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TOMITA YASHIRO SAT IN FRONT OF THE FIRE, heat radiating from the small chimney as he turned the page of his book. It wasn't a particularly good read – he was doing research for one of his cases, a big oil mogul who was looking to sue a small farm. Yashiro sighed, turning another page as his eyes quickly scanned the text. He was tired and it was late, he could hear the raindrops hitting the windows of his hotel, the thunderstorm raging outside while he sat comfortably.

Yashiro was halfway through the fifth chapter when he heard the knocking. It was frantic and the lights flickered quickly as the sound echoed in the quiet room. The man frowned, putting his book aside as he hurried towards the door. Yashiro twisted the handle, opening the hotel door only to find himself to face with someone he would have never expected – at least not in this late hour.

Kinzoku Mikazuki smiled amicably, quickly hiding her arms behind her body as she balanced herself on the balls of her feet. The woman looked dishevelled, her wild grey hair pulled in a messy bun while her body was only covered by a set of thin pyjama shorts and a matching shirt. She was drenched in rain water, clothes sticking to her skin while her soft golden eyes glowed under the moonlight.

"Mikazuki?" Yashiro asked, still confused even as he stepped aside to let her pass.

The woman nodded, quickly hurrying into the room as thunder clapped in the distance. The sorceress let out a breath of relief while Yashiro shut the door. The man turned, picking up one of his old sweatshirts that was laying haphazardly on his work chair and draping it over Mikazuki's shivering form.

"What are you doing here?" Yashiro asked calmly as he watched Mikazuki pulling the sweatshirt tighter around her, the cold from the outside lingering in her bones even as the warmth of the fireplace kept her hot "How did you even know I would be here?" he questioned, head titled to the side with concern.

The woman shrugged, yet he could see something akin to hesitation in her gaze.

"My family name opens many doors" she said cryptically before she deflated back into the chair "The concierge at the hotel told me you're a regular"

Yashiro frowned but didn't say anything, his expression unreadable even as he walked towards the small kitchenette set in the counter. He'd known Mikazuki close to four months now, and although their conversations run until late at night, the sorceress had been careful to keep her family out of it. Still, Yashiro was well-trained when it came to these things, which is why from the first moment he laid eyes on her, he knew she came from money – and not just any kind of money, but old money.

There were many Japanese families like this, he'd assumed Mikazuki was just another young socialites wearing the entitlement like any self-conceited daughter of a wealthy man. But there was something else about her, too – almost as if she'd earned every single penny she so easily flaunted. It was one of the things that had drawn him to her in the first place.

Yashiro's gaze fell on the window, watching as the storm rolled above their heads, grey clouds making their way across Tokyo's skyline.

"It's freezing out there, did you walk here like that? You could have caught a cold!" he announced worriedly before pulling out a tray with a set of matching cups "Do you prefer chamomile or cinnamon?" he asked, waving the cups with a sweet smile "It's hotel tea, so it's pretty cheap and not as good as what I have at home, but it will keep you warm"

Mikazuki nodded, her expression soft as she pointed towards the small chamomile pocket, eyes following his every movement as he made his way through the kitchenette, moving expertly between the cabinets while he set the boiler with his free hand. Yashiro shook his head, throwing the packet into the steaming water.

"What were you thinking, running out in this weather..." he was mumbling things now, mainly talking to himself, although Mikazuki could hear him just fine.

The woman sighed, looking down as a guilty expression crossed her face. For a moment, she felt like her past self – an undisciplined child who had brought shame to her family, but that wasn't her role anymore, and as a grown woman, she didn't owe anyone and explanation, let alone an apology. Yashiro wasn't Asahi, though, and his rant came from concern for her safety, something her father had never cared about. Mikazuki fidgeted with the hem of her shirt as Yashiro approached, a steaming cup of tea in his hand.

"Thank you" the Kinzoku whispered as she accepted the token "I shouldn't have come here, it's late" her gaze fell on his now abandoned book, still sitting by the windowsill, next to the fireplace "I'm sorry for interrupting your reading session"

Yashiro looked down, watching his reflection in the tea before he looked back up and at the woman. He was still wearing his work suit, the blazer draped over a chair while the shirt he was wearing was unbuttoned, the cuffs also open.

"You don't need to apologize, I don't mind your visits. I just don't understand why you're here" Yashiro's expression shifted, as did his body as he leaned towards the sorceress.

He wasn't worried, and although his expression was difficult to read, Mikazuki was able to read between the lines. The lawyer sighed, rubbing the back of his neck before taking a long sip of his cup. He seemed to be delaying the inevitable, but he eventually fessed up, setting the drink down as he finally laid his blue eyes on the woman in front of him. He looked vulnerable, in the split second.

"I thought you were the one who wanted to keep this casual"

Right. Casual – that's what she'd said, that first night they spent together. It made sense, back then, but things were different now. Showing up here, late at night when Mikazuki knew damn well they both had better things to do wasn't very casual of her. The sorceress closed her eyes, rubbing her forehead harshly, almost as if punishing herself for her impulsivity. As soon as her eyes closed, the memories came back – flashes of rats crawling on her body, pinching at her skin, biting and scratching. She was tired. So so tired. The nightmares never stopped, not even when she was awake. The woman shook her head, quickly clearing her thoughts.

"Yeah, and I still do, I just..." words failed her, and as Mikazuki gripped her cup tighter, she could feel herself trembling "I had a nightmare, couldn't get back to sleep" she sighed, a heavy weight settling in her gut as the words spilled out like a running faucet "My family isn't exactly welcoming; my father only cares about business, my mother would rather die than talk to me and my sister is too ill to even acknowledge my existence. I didn't know where to go" she shivered, the cold seeping into her bones "Until I thought of you. You've been so kind to me. You treat me well, look out for me even when you don't have to. I just thought I'd feel safe here..."

With you. She didn't say, fearing the words might get stuck in her throat along with the many other things she couldn't say yet. Mikazuki shook her head once again. She felt silly, spilling her guts in a random hotel room to someone who, by all means, was a complete stranger. They might have known each other for long now, but Yashiro was right – this was casual, and as such, she shouldn't have gotten attached.

"And do you?" Yashiro asked, his expression unreadable "Feel safe here, I mean"

Mikazuki pressed her lips into a thin line, almost as if to keep the truth from spilling from her mouth. It was terrible, the way she felt about this man – or the fact she felt anything at all. All of this; the feelings, the insecurities, the emotions... it should all have been gone a long time ago, taken from her along with the heart she traded. The Kinzoku didn't regret that transaction – how could she, with all the power she'd amassed since then – but part of her wished that demon had taken these feelings as well.

Maybe if it had, she wouldn't find herself in this position. So vulnerable, so weak

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