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"GOOD" LÉA ANSWERED, her tone acid as she looked back up, almost as if the simple thought of Mikazuki was enough to send her down a road to hatred "What about the Curses? Two first-grades and a special-grade, if I recall. How did she do in the field?"

Something flickered in Satoru's gaze. A flame, a spark of something Léa was not able to identify but that she still recognized. She'd seen it too many times, a mere flicker in a pool of golden irises she'd carefully learned to hate. And now, she was seeing it in Satoru's everblues, a sign that the hold she had on him was waning, like a soft flame put out by the harsh winds of winter.

Léa remained impassive, even as Gojo's expression changed, sharpness returning to his features as he leaned forward. She could see the danger in him, now. It was easy to forget exactly who he was – a Gojo, a magnificent one, and the power he carried in his veins was enough to topple a nation or even the entire world if he so desired. So far, she had been lucky to have him on her side, but this was bound to change. Mikazuki had changed it with her conspiracies and her beliefs, she had made him doubt. Doubt The Magistrate. Doubt the Society of Jujutsu. Doubt her.

Had that been her goal all along? To turn Gojo Satoru against her? It was hard to tell, even now that she was face to face with the result of Mikazuki's continued scheming.

"Why are you so curious about this? Mikazuki is a special-grade, she's more than equipped to handle these things" Satoru remarked, that spark still visible in his gaze, igniting his every word "But it's not her abilities you doubt, is it?" he questioned, a small smile playing on his lips when he saw Léa's eye twitch.

Léa Dubois had never been an easy person to read, but in that split second, she was like an open book.

"You want to know her loyalties, who she answers to and who she'll bend the knee to when the time comes. Your time as Head of the Magistrate is coming to an end, but with her support you'll probably rule for another decade... or am I wrong?"

He wasn't, and he knew it.

Léa pursed her lips, an annoyed yet impressed expression flickering on her face as she leaned back against her plush chair.

"I must admit I'm impressed. You're more perceptive than I gave you credit for, Gojo" she complimented, yet the way she said his name almost sounded like a curse, a dangerous thing to do when one was in the business of exorcising such creatures "But be careful when making assumptions, one might think you want to get in trouble"

Satoru's gaze hardened, his everblues turning into cold ice.

"I don't care for trouble. I'm just here to do my job" he stated as calmly as he could, Cursed Energy swirling in his veins like an untameable storm.

Léa could feel the power building in his soul, but she wasn't frightened. Gojo Satoru was a powerhouse, he was the ocean and he was the sky but, unlike her, he was no killer. He was young, untrained, untouched by the weight of the ages. He didn't know about consequences or cost, he took what he wanted and lived as he willed. He didn't live in the real world, but in a makeshift universe where he was the sun. But eventually, all suns are bound to burn out, the only question remaining meaning... would he take her out with him? Or would he burn Mikazuki instead?

Léa titled her head to the side.

"And what job is that?" she asked sharply.

"Uphold the world of Jujutsu, rid this world of the Curses that plague it. Cut down all that is evil and act as a shield for the mortal realm" Gojo answered before he could help himself.

The sorcerer cursed, wondering when these words had sneaked their way past his mind and spilled from his lips. He was bound by duty and by an oath, but it was also a curse – one he could not rid himself of, not matter how much he wanted to. He had been bearing its weight for a long time, but the words had never felt as heavy as last year, when he was forced to kill his friend.

Léa laughed.

"Is that so? Because from where I'm standing, it seems like you've declared yourself as Mikazuki's protector" she watched him, weighting her words so she could gauge his reaction "Don't tell me you've fallen for her act even after everything she's done?"

When Satoru didn't answer immediately, Léa smiled, knowing she finally hit a nerve.

"Do you care for her, still?"

Gojo took a deep breath, yet it was as if all the air had been punched out of his lungs with that simple question. The sorcerer opened his mouth, but no sound came from his lips as the question echoed in his mind on a never ending loop that drowned his thoughts into oblivion. Ten years ago – hell, even a year ago – the answer would have been easy. So fucking easy. Gojo Satoru didn't care. He didn't love. He didn't feel.

But now... Kinzoku Mikazuki meant too much, she was too much to him.

Kinzoku Mikazuki, his fiancée. Kinzoku Mikazuki, his bride. Kinzoku Mikazuki, his friend. Kinzoku Mikazuki, his partner. Kinzoku Mikazuki, his other half. Kinzoku Mikazuki, his sun. Should he not feel something for her? Shouldn't he feel everything?

That must have been the right answer, because the moment the thoughts solidified in his mind, Satoru smiled. He was no longer a babbling mess, a calm blanket of assurance washing over him as he settled his gaze on Dubois. The woman swallowed, noticing the change almost immediately as he pushed his hands into his pockets and brushed the hair out of his face.

"Do I care for her still... Yes. But the real question is..." he leaned forwards, his pearly white teeth peaking from his lips as he smiled "...do you?"

Léa held her breath, vision blurry as the weight of Satoru's words finally registered. Gojo's smile widened as he leaned back against the chair, a satisfied expression flickering in his face before he continued.

"Because, from where I'm standing..." he stood, mirroring Léa's earlier words "It seems you have a bit of an unhealthy obsession with her" Satoru winked before his expression darkened "Tell me, is it her power or her influence that you crave? Or maybe is it both?"

When Dubois didn't immediately answer, Gojo let out a hearty laugh, a flash of power enveloping the room before it was gone in a second. It was easy to forget – so easy it was almost terrifying. Gojo Satoru wasn't some half-assed shaman, he was the grandson of Gojo Sene and the first sorcerer in a hundred years to awaken both the Six Eyes and Limitless. He was a powerhouse, an atomic bomb ready to detonate. He was the Strongest, a title he'd earned.

"You'll regret this" Léa said in a shrill voice "Sooner or later, Mikazuki will betray you" she wasn't lying, Satoru could see it as clear as day with his Six Eyes "And when she does, I know you'll come crawling your way back to me" the Frenchwoman steeled her resolve "I made you"

Satoru's eyes sharpened, that dangerous aura returning like a ghostly glow. He tilted his head to the side, considering the woman's words.


Gojo stood still, remembering Mikazuki's words which had then sounded like an empty plea, another lie to add to the mix. He knew better now and saw those words for what they had truly been; a warning. They made you a murderer. Mikazuki had told him firmly. She made you a murderer the moment she made you turn on Suguru. Satoru took a deep breath, turning to Léa as her words echoed in his head one last time.

I made you.

"You did"

𝑹𝑬𝑨𝑳𝑴 𝑶𝑭 𝑺𝑯𝑨𝑫𝑶𝑾𝑺 ⇢ Gojo SatoruWhere stories live. Discover now