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IEIRI SHOKO STOOD IN FRONT OF THE MIRROR, her small beady brown eyes taking in her reflection as a small smile appeared om her lips. The sorceress turned around slowly, watching as the tule of the dress flared with each movement. Mikazuki matched her smile, raising a flute of champagne and slightly tilting her towards the doctor. Shoko looked perfect – like she was straight out of a fairy tale, her brown hair pulled up in a neat updo while the dress hugged her curves, the beaded neckline exposing her collarbones and part of her cleavage.

Shoko gathered the hem of the skirt, turning to look at Mikazuki with a satisfied smile on her face.

"Thank you for doing this, I really appreciate it" the doctor confesses before turning back to the mirror, admiring the dress one last time.

The two women were currently sitting in the luxurious changing room of the Daniela Sposa bridal shop in the city of Venice. The place was certainly more upscale than anything Shoko had ever visited before, but Mikazuki seemed to be right at home, easily accepting the bottle of champagne the clerk provided. The sorceress had rented the entire space for the evening, hoping the privacy would encourage Shoko to choose whatever she wanted with little to no regard for what other customers might say.

There were still a couple of months until Shoko's wedding date, but her wedding planner had been bugging her about finding a dress for at least a week now. Shoko had finally caved in, letting Mikazuki zap them over to Venice for a quick trip. The shops were nicer here, with true wedding gown designers, the kind that made their rounds at Fashion Week and that Shoko had been dreaming about for as long as she could remember.

"You don't need to thank me" Mikazuki said with an honest smile before taking a sip of her Armand de Brignac "Just make sure to choose a dress that doesn't suck" she added, immediately wincing at the lack of tact within her tone.

The doctor looked beautiful in the dress, but something about it didn't feel right. Shoko sighed, taking a look at the pretty gown. It was an off-white, with small beads and sequins stitched to the fabric and set around the neckline like bleeding veins. The dress was certainly beautiful, but it didn't fit her as well as she'd hoped – the way she'd imagined it.

Of course, the dress wasn't ugly. For God's sake, it was a one of a kind Anna Kara, but neither the sparkle nor the lace at the trim felt good enough for either sorceress.

"This ain't it, is it?" Shoko asked, a somewhat deflated look in her face.

"Not unless you want to look like an overdressed pumpkin. Why is this dress so huge?" the Kinzoku complained loudly.

This was the third try of the day, and the sun was setting fast, meaning Shoko was truly running out of time. Maybe Anna had the right idea, choosing to wear her grandmother's dress while Ieiri went out and beyond trying to find the perfect piece. The woman sighed, stepping down from the platform and walking over to Mikazuki so she could unzip her dress.

The Kinzoku obliged, lowering the zipper and watching as Shoko stepped out of the dress before adding it to the ever growing pile of rejects. There were still at least half a dozen dresses to go through and just as many designers, meaning it was probably going to be a long evening – maybe even a long night. Shoko sighed, staring at her naked reflection with a satisfied smile. The doctor had always prided herself in her appearance, she was a good looking gal in her late twenties, and although she was set to marry soon, it didn't mean Mikazuki couldn't appreciate her assets.

Shoko turned back to the clothing rack, expletively flicking through the dresses while she hummed to a non-existent tune. She was wearing a pair of nude underwear – the same one she was set to wear on her big day to make sure the dress fit well – her brown hair pulled up in a neat updo with a pair of expensive pearl earrings dangling from her ears. The doctor had previously chosen her heels and the jewellery she'd be donning on her wedding, meaning only the dress was left.

"I don't want something big and chunky" Shoko announced as she flipped through the fall collection "I'm looking for something simple; long sleeves, a little bit of lace here and there, but nothing overtly crazy"

She'd already tried crazy, and although the livelier dresses weren't necessarily ugly, they didn't fit her minimalist style. Mikazuki shrugged, leaning back against the plush armchair and waving the champagne flute around with a bored expression.

"I think you'll look good in whatever you choose, but I agree that these dresses are awful" she confessed, nosed wrinkling as she remembered the first three Shoko had tried before "I think they have some new models in here, let me check"

The sorceress got up from the chair, walking to the back of the room where she spied a box of new arrivals earlier. Mikazuki paused, taking a look at the new set of dresses that were on display on a different rack, various designer names scribbled on the tags. These gowns were a lot more expensive and clearly out of budget for Shoko, yet the sorceress ignored this, pulling the dresses into the middle of the room and turning the tags so she wouldn't notice.

Mikazuki spent ten years in exile, so this one was on her. Besides, it wasn't like her family would miss the money. Another perk of being a full-blooded Kinzoku, she had an unlimited stash of gold. Shoko squealed excitedly at the new arrivals, immediately diving into the rack and pulling the dresses she liked the most. This ones were more of her style; plain and minimalistic but still pretty enough to wear on such a day.

Ieiri snatched one of the dresses, setting it aside before slowly passing it over her head. Mikazuki plopped back down on the chair, a tired sigh escaping her lips.

"Anyway, what does Anna's dress look like? Shouldn't you match?" she asked as she took back to the flute and downed half of it in one gulp.

Mikazuki didn't know anything about planning a wedding, but she was pretty sure that the bride and groom (or, in this case, bride and bride) were supposed to match. Shoko shrugged, stepping back into the platform to look at her newest choice. This time, it was a simpler dress with a long plated skirt and lace flowers stitched to the bodice and the long sleeves all the way to the wrist.

"Not really" Shoko mumbled distractedly as she eyed herself up in the mirror "She's wearing her mother's dress so it's going to be a bit dated, but even I have to admit it's beautiful. I just want something modern and simple" the woman stared down at the dress, her expression shifting "Like this one, but I don't like the neckline" 

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