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KINZOKU MIKAZUKI CLIMBED THE SIDE OF THE MOUNTAIN, her heavy combat books leaving uneven tracks as she dragged her bad leg across the grasslands. Satoru followed closely from behind, a placid smile playing on his lips as his eyes landed on the sorceress' ass. The Gojo boy had slowed his pace, letting her lead all the way up the hill despite her injury. Satoru didn't mind slowing down for her, especially when he was greeted with such a view – from the cliffside, not from Mikazuki's round ass glaring at him in her tight black skinny jeans.

The grass blades moved with the wind, as if silently dancing to a non-existent song while the sun set in the horizon. The pair had just finished exorcizing a bunch of rogue Curses that had trickled off the countryside, and although the Tokyo skyline was still visible from the mountain, it was engulfed in shadows and blurred with the evening fog, the quietness of nature completely removing the bustling sight.

The first-grade menaces had been easy to handle and the elders of the rural village bellow had been grateful for their services. There was a Jujutsu monastery on the other side of the mountains, and so the locals were more than used to the tempting shadows emerging from the darkness.

Mikazuki clapped her hands, getting rid of the dust and ever-present ichor that coated her fingers as she looked at the evening sky. Neither she nor Satoru had struggled against the Curses, making a quick trip of it before sauntering to the hill to watch the sunset. Mikazuki wasn't sure exactly what had convinced her to climb all the way up, especially when she could feel her knee throbbing with pain while the scar hidden under her pants burned. But something was calling her from above, an inhuman sentiment that burrowed deep within her soul, demanding she climb up the hill and bow before the sun.

The sorceress shook her head vehemently, ridding herself of these nonsensical thoughts.

"Damn, those Curses were a real pain in the ass" Mikazuki commented casually while she rubbed the black blood from her knuckles "at least the view is pretty, though" she added, now looking at the bright sunset.

Satoru looked at Mikazuki, never taking his eyes off from her and without even glancing at the sunset. There was a bit of silence, and then;

"Yeah, it is"

Satoru cleared his throat, nodding along as the words trickled out of his mouth. Truth to be told, the sorcerer wasn't sure he agreed with Mikazuki at all. The sight might have been breath-taking to her – but to him, it was nothing compared to what he was currently gazing at. Satoru hadn't taken his eyes off from the sorceress since they left the village, after their mission was done. His eyes were blindfolded, as usual, but Gojo knew he didn't need to see anything to know the woman standing by his side was astonishingly beautiful.

Gojo sighed, finally tearing his gaze away from the woman and focusing on the outline of the village that hid at the foot of the mountain. Satoru cleared his thoughts, putting his arms behind his back as he looked over the scenery with a quiet smile painted on his face.

"It does bring back memories, doesn't it?" he asked, his tone somewhat wishful and thinking of another time.

Satoru often made an effort to avoid the past, and while his childhood and teenager years had been mostly peaceful and fun, there was always a darker side to his memories. It was another time – a different time, during which he was engaged to someone he knew he would never truly marry, and during which he challenged everything and everyone, which cost him greatly. Gojo Satoru had learned his lesson at an early age, and he was more than willing to forego his memories of that time.

And yet, when he looked at her, it all came crashing back like a tidal wave. Kinzoku Mikazuki had awaken something in him, something Satoru wasn't sure he wanted to explore. What laid behind those cold golden eyes of hers? Was it guilt or shame? Or maybe something else entirely. Gojo had never asked, party because he was afraid of the answer and partly because he felt like her gaze was enough of a tell. Did she regret the Kansai massacre? Did she feel any remorse for what she had done?

𝑹𝑬𝑨𝑳𝑴 𝑶𝑭 𝑺𝑯𝑨𝑫𝑶𝑾𝑺 ⇢ Gojo SatoruWhere stories live. Discover now