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THERE WAS SOMETHING POWERFUL IN HER VOICE, as if she knew with certainty that her words would come true. It was the same certainty that always lurked in her gaze, behind those sunset-coloured eyes. However, hearing that very thing coming from Mikazuki's lips was like unlocking a part of himself that Satoru didn't even know existed in the first place. It felt like an awakening, like witnessing a sunrise for the first time.

It was danger, hate and courage all thrown together. An explosive compilation that aroused something in the deepest recesses of his heart, a wild side that begged to find someone just as insane. Gojo never believed little miss perfect Kinzoku would ever be that someone – she was so proper, so perfect. And yet, he'd just witness that touch of insanity and savageness he'd only spied on himself, that thing that made him tick. It was almost too much too bear, and when these wild thoughts travelled south and his pants began to feel a tad too tight, Satoru finally snapped out of it.

There was no point in going down that road, not when he knew he couldn't touch her like he wanted to.

"Right" Gojo cleared his throat as he adjusted his position in an attempt to conceal his raging hard-on "Kase Yori was the third worker tasked with the metro renovation project, he was trapped when the cave-in happened and spent twenty-eight days underground" he began to read off the report on his phone "He was eventually rescued, but the hospital reports hint that he had some sort of food source while he was down there – we're guessing he turned to cannibalism"

Jesus. Fucking. Christ.

"So we're dealing with a Supernatural Cursed Spirit?" Mikazuki asked even though she already knew the answer.

Supernatural Cursed Spirits were a pain in the ass, and although this wasn't the first time she was facing off against one of them, Mikazuki did wish it were easier. The abilities of this type of curse varied greatly, meaning they were hard to predict and even harder to kill. Maybe this mission wasn't as average as she thought, maybe she should have been more ready. Then again, there was no way to be truly ready to face the ugliest parts of humanity. And yet, Mikazuki had spent ten years facing the ugliest parts of herself.

Satoru locked the phone before sliding it back into his pocket.

"Yup, a good ol' Wendigo" he said with a chirpy tone as he leaned down until he was right in front of her.

Mikazuki's eyes remained closed, and although the gold in front of her stirred, it did not push him away, almost as if it knew

"Does that narrow it down for you?" he asked, waving his hand in front of her with a childish expression on his face.

The sorceress shook her head, but he could already see the beginning of a smile appearing on her face. Even now, he was able to tear down through her defences, and wasn't that just cruel? She should know better than letting her guard down by his side, she shouldn't feel the way she felt. But it appeared her heart was not as intelligent as her brain, and when it bled, it bled.

And when it loved, it loved. Blindly. Recklessly. Unconditionally.

Mikazuki swallowed, pushing down those thoughts and reining in her stupid heart while the invisible tendrils of her Eternity gathered around her. The distraction had been minimal, however, that was all the Curse needed. What happened next took place in less than a second – so fast no mortal could have ever predicted nor reacted to it. Thankfully, Satoru didn't consider himself human, and neither did the powerful sorceress in front of him.

When that poor first-grade Curse had mistaken her for Kogane, calling her a goddess, Mikazuki had corrected it almost immediately. However, that was not the truth. If God was real, then it certainly lived in the power that surged in her veins; in the gold that carried the weight of humanity. She was a goddess bound in human form, and she was about to let loose.

𝑹𝑬𝑨𝑳𝑴 𝑶𝑭 𝑺𝑯𝑨𝑫𝑶𝑾𝑺 ⇢ Gojo SatoruWhere stories live. Discover now