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GOJO WINCED, CRANING HIS NECK AWAY AS HE FELT THE BURN OF HER HAND AGAINST HIS SKIN, the power of her blood slipping through the cloth and flaming through the fabric of his uniform. Four, three, two... One more second and what they had been warned through the entirety of their childhood would come into fruition.

He could sense it already, the embers of The Omen awakening and stirring, the overwhelming force inside of them growing and growing... Mikazuki screamed, pulling her hand away as the light immediately faded, her face contorted in a frustrated grimace. Even now, she couldn't touch him – at least not long enough to do any real damage, anyway.

The woman walked over to Satoru once again, this time keeping enough distance her expression was no longer threatening, yet her gaze remained just as hard.

"Disrespect me again and I will hunt you down" she warned.

Gojo Satoru laughed, tipping his head back and brushing his hair out of his face.

"Please, we both know you're full of shit"

He said like he meant it and, for once, Mikazuki didn't doubt he did. Satoru was right, too, but that was another issue altogether. Maybe she'd issued one too many warnings, let him get off easy when she should have taught him a lesson the moment he decided to make an enemy out of her. Although, it was hard to tell when he made that choice. Was it last week, when he let the rats eat through her skin, or was it long before, when he watched as she was being exiled? Maybe her mistake was believing they were ever friends in the first place.

The Kinzoku stood there, conflict written all over her face. She could feel herself breaking, piece by piece, and yet she refused to break. Mikazuki was not a fragile soul, she was a sorceress – a nightmare, as she'd recently been christened by the society that so easily casted her away. Nightmares didn't break, they didn't shatter, and as such, neither would she.

Mikazuki shook her head, fed up with Satoru's attitude. She was done playing by his rules. The sorceress gripped the hem of her shirt, pulling it up until her torso was fully exposed. The black lace of her bro was visible, but that's not what Gojo's eyes focused on. Instead, his ocean gaze fell on the garland of bruises and bite marks still etched into her skin. The wounds were almost healed by now, but he could still see the damage.

"Look at me" Mikazuki commanded, and when Satoru refused, her Cursed Energy flared "Look at me!" she screamed, the sound echoing throughout the basement like a haunting wail.

Gojo did as he was told, gaze falling on her exposed body once again. He could see it clearly, even in the poorly lit room. The bruises climbed all the way through her side, over her ribcages like a brown ribbon of pain. The bites were faint, too, yet he could see the marks of the individual sets of teeth digging into her pale skin.

"You did this to me. You hurt me" the sorceress announced, her tone choked even as fury continued to coat her words "If anyone should be mad about something, It's me" she jammed her finger into his chest, shirt falling back in place as the marks disappeared "I want you to stay the fuck away from me"

Satoru swallowed past the lump in his throat, watching as Mikazuki stepped back and rubbed her neck, a new set of bruises forming on her skin to match the ones already there. The Kinzoku scoffed, slowly making her way around the sorcerer and stepping out of the room.

For a second – and one second only, he considered letting her go. But he couldn't, because despite everything, Satoru still felt like he was right. They couldn't keep going like this, putting their lives at risk because they didn't trust each other, even if it was his fault. Gojo took a deep breath, running behind the sorceress and taking her arm once again. This time, his touch was gentle, yet Mikazuki still flinched the moment his fingers gripped her arm.

"Look, I'm sorry this is how things turned out" he began, the apology far more sincere than any of his previous attempts "But you're my partner and I need you to be on my side"

Mikazuki grimaced at the poor choice of words, eyes flickering between his hand still gripping her arm and Satoru's serene expression. She was angry, yet the spark that had been there seconds before was now fully gone. She was tired, now.

"This is how things turned out?" she mocked, her tone calm despite the words that fell from her lips "Please, stop acting like this was just something that happened to you. You created this situation, now you get to live with the consequences"

Just like she got to live with hers. Satoru shook his head, still refusing to take his hands off from her arm even as their barrier sizzled against one another, barely containing the power of The Omen.

"I don't understand why you're so mad at me, I've already apologised for what happened with Ninkilim"

Mikazuki looked at him once again, disbelief written all over her face as she stared into his ocean eyes. How could he not understand what he'd done, even when she stood in front of him, showing him the results of his childish tantrum? How could he be so blind when he carried the gift of the Six Eyes? 

𝑹𝑬𝑨𝑳𝑴 𝑶𝑭 𝑺𝑯𝑨𝑫𝑶𝑾𝑺 ⇢ Gojo SatoruWhere stories live. Discover now