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There was this poem Patil had recited her- which day, she forgot. Riya has no concept of time or date these days. Somedays its Sunday, someday its 9pm on a friday and she is still sitting on the floor staring at laptop screen, without reading one full sentence for hours. So, back to the poem- she barely remember the lines. But she remembers they were in the basketball court, she was sitting on one of the bench and he sat next to her as he rhymed the words.

You will never stop,
You will never halt,
You will never turn,
Take this oath, take this oath, take this oath

"Who wrote this?" he had smiled at the question, but he never told the name of writer. There was a time he was the only person who felt welcoming in this place. Then she lost her mind, left, came back and lost her mind further. Somehow she never closed the gap, and this space increased until it swallowed everything.

But the thing with Patil is, he has the patience of a saint. He can listen to a thug's bullshit for hours without getting angry, he can stand in the sun or go through a gutter to find a small ring of victim. That's probably army training, molding someone into something invincible so that nothing can shake them. So he patiently waited for things to settle, and when he felt it was getting too much, he took the step to let her know he is right there. A shoulder to lean on, to cry, a partner to bear the storm. All silently, because in their line of job actions matter more than words. Gestures are important.

So when he sat next to her and said nothing, Riya realized she wasn't as alone as she thought she was. Sure, she had burnt the bridge with Rathore, Rawte is pissed since forever, her mentor is dead and she is unable to find anything. But she has people, she just need to let them in.

That's the difficult part.

She heard the whispers before she could hear it from someone important. She heard it in lift, clenched her fingers until they made crescent in her palms. Heading straight towards the conference room which was thankfully empty, she started to make her murder board- Riya was at that numbing stage when crime scenes photos with sir's dead body didn't phase her. She had almost finished the set up, just multi colored sticky notes were pending- the door burst open.

"Did you hear?" Liza's feet paused seeing the board, an uneasy feeling passing through her. Riya didn't turn. "Department had decided on the case."

"He had told me."

"To Special squad." There was no reaction, "Listen, I know you want to work in this. If you want, I can speak to my old professor. She was an ex -employee there, have good relation with the chief. She will arrange something." At her continued silence and pasting the sticky notes, Liza held her wrist gently, "did you hear what I just said?"

"I did."

"And? Should I call Shaina ma'am?"

It would have been so easy to say yes. And yet, it felt like a betrayal. Liza understood that. Liza also understood the hunger to do the right thing. So she dropped the bomb.

"ETF will handle Sikandar's case." Riya frowned at the new name. "The man who murdered Arjun sir's wife."

Rathore formally announced it to the employees, trying very hard to look at the particular pair of eyes knowing sadness and betrayal will be there. Aisha had, in private smoking session, let him know her own disappointment. But she knew at what point to keep her mouth shut, and that things are deeper than any of them can anticipate. There were murmurs in air as to how come the other victim of the case can work on the same, but it wasn't voiced out. Rathore personally didn't know what the hell he would do now, other than keeping faith that Rawte will keep it together until the end.

There was this guilt on top of years old guilt that he just chose lesser of the two evil. That he had treaded one case for other will be a secret he will take it too afterlife.

He had a personal chat session with Rawte, who looked surprisingly calm for a case which is his life for years. "Things will be intense, but know we are together into this. As a team. Don't rush into danger. They had put immense trust on us."

Arjun is too smart for his own good- sure, he got what he wanted, but he can't overlook it came right after Coelho sir died, literally out of nowhere. There is guilt, there is curiosity, but he kept quiet. There are bigger things to focus on now.

He ruthless squashed down the small nagging thing in his heart.

The second chat which Rathore dreaded was with Riya. She was also calm, and it just made things worse. She was always this calm, composed person who rarely lost her mind. Her passion showed through work, she had argued and defended her case on things she feels personally invested in. That she is non –reactive right now isn't settling well with him.

"I know things are hard, but I would like you to work on this case." Over sir's case was unspoken, but implied.

Then he dug his own grave because she stayed silent, "I understand how this looks like."

"This looks like a choice." Her eyes burned when it met his, "Choice of personal investment over professional commitment."

He exhaled sharply, "I don't appreciate the implication, Riya." He didn't have to explain anything. Besides, not like he asked for this- but he was prepared for this day. Just not like this, not in these situations.

"There is no implication. Its hard evidence."

"You know what?" he shot up from his chair, he needs the distance. "You should take a break. Clear your head, read some books. Come back when you can speak to me in an acceptable manner."

She stared at him for a long time, then replied. "Sure."

She gathered the things on murder board, and dumped the ID card on the conference room table.

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