Some progress

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Its said, what we experience in our childhood, especially the bad things, we tend to change it when we get older, as a way to control ourselves. That's why girls cut their hair when they are forced to keep it longer, or adult lashes out in violent outbursts in anger.

Riya was born into solitude, yet she likes it.

She likes it when its just her, her mind and her laptop, or maybe a book. She is the first one to show up in office, just in time when cleaning stuff are dusting off desks and chairs. At times not even ACP Rawte is in his cabin, just her and old files in the record room.

The silence is especially needed after Sir. Patil had told her- you shouldn't stay alone. Anything, and you just say it. Call me. But its always been hard for her to say things, so once again books and laptop are her confidante- only they will know whats in her heart.

She was just staring into nothing. The phd submission will not be done this year, and she can care less about it. Her fingers itched to type, research and make notes, but when takes the laptop its blank. Nothing comes out of her.

It was during that frustration that her phone vibrated. It was too early for a call, and the number was unknown. Frowning, she answered.

"Hello Riya."

Her blood ran cold.

"Yes, it happened." Shree spoke urgently as he sat down, turning his laptop towards her, "How the hell does this happen? Since when a serial killer is out on bail?"

Damre was out, and the first call he made was to her. Riya was in such daze that she asked nothing=how? Where is he? Why he called? Whose number is this?

There are no seniors in the office today. Rathore was out of station due to work, Rawte was yet to rejoin. The team was supposed to have a relaxed day, but this news along with a panicked Riya soured the day.

The TV was on in the conference room- it was all over the news.

"Good behaviour" Patil said, looking at the news. "Unbelievable." He shook head.

"What did he say to you?" Liza sat next to her, hand over her shoulder. "Why did he even call?"

"To give good news. He said it." Sniffing, Riya brushed away a lone tear. She wanted to say more, but nothing came out. It was so wrong, so so wrong. She don't understand why it has to happen now. And why. And how.

Aisha entered, making everyone turn towards her, "I have some news."

Sakshi Anand paid for the lawyer, of course she did. She was there next to him, stay there throughout the trial, sent letters to people asking reference for his good character. Shree scoffed at that, "Is the lady in love with him? The hell?" there was a fantastic lawyer, whos assistant is a friend of Aisha's. Apparently, someone esteemed sent a letter vouching for Damre, which was discussed behind closed doors, disclosed only to judge and other lawyer. The letter was important enough to let Damre out of bail.

Sakshi Anand had bought a car and took him with her. Her number is switched off now- probably hoping for a better deal where she can do a segment with him.

Riya didn't tell about Sakshi's phone calls to her, and even though she didn't send anything, she felt guilty. But she did confess this tearfully to ACP Rawte as he entered the next day in record room, crouched down on ground and wiped away her tears.

"I didn't do anything." She whispered.

"I know."

When common sense prevailed, she made him sit on a nearby chair, handed over bottle of water and winced when he winced due to his injuries. The bandages are off, but stiches hurt and itch. Not that bad, ACP explained, but she remained skeptical. Her own hospitalization wasn't that positive, she still needs to take medicine and never got back her old energy.

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