The talk

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Rathore looked up at a knock in his cabin, sighing quietly to himself as Riya entered. She took a seat timidly, looking down at the floor.

He didn't know what to say at the turn of events. Its like the bad omen isn't ready to let them go yet. What else they have to see more? When it will end? What else it will take from them?

He didn't want to think about the answers.

"They have reached." He said softly, earning a nod from her. "They will ask about your mother, but nothing suspicious. Rawte will also talk to the chief there, look into the security. We do-"

"He looks peaceful, doesn't he?" Riya cut him off in between- or maybe she didn't hear him at all. Sameer came to seat in front of the empty seat opposite her.

"Arjun?" She didn't stir at the name. "Is it actually peace?"

"What else it can be?"

He didn't have answer to it.

She cleared throat before speaking. "When Damre called, you know what he said to me? My friend, Riya. You were the only one who was interested to me. I have been thinking about those days a lot. ACP Rawte was right, you were right. If only I didn't go back to him again and again. If only I did things differently." A lone tear slipped, and Rathore hesitantly touched her fisted knuckles.

"Is it really your cross to bear? If he didn't meet you, do you think there would not be any minion for him to brainwash? No psychopath who looked upto him, none who can think about hurting Dustin sir?" Pausing, he spoke in a hushed whisper. "When you shot that man- you said the balance of universe have shifted. I didn't agree, Arjun didn't agree. But you suffered in silence, you took it upon yourself to do everything to absolve your guilt. When you were in hospital, I thought now the guilt is gone. You almost paid the price, but was it ever gone, Riya?"

"I used to think," She replied blinking back tears, "I used to think its happening because of that. I killed a man and it started a chain of events. I killed him, I ruined the balance. But sir is gone, and the balance is skewed once more. I am not ready to lose anyone else. I wont lose anyone else. Ma, you, ACP Rawte, Liza, Patil, Aisha, Shree. None else. Not again."

Sameer nodded hesitantly, not sure what to say. Riya's grip tightened on his hold, and she looked at him with blazing eyes.

That was not good.

"I have to ask- I need to ask."


"if . . . if, there is a way. To stop all this. To put an end to this. And if I take this," she paused, "will you forgive me? Can you forgive me?"

"What are you saying."

"You know what am I saying." Her voice shook. "I wont be in guilt this time. It will be even justified, I feel."

Rathore got up in a flash, not sure if he understood her words correctly. His untrusting, shocked eyes bore hole into hers, but Riya looked back, her chin up in defiant.


"You wont forgive me?"

"No as in we aren't having this conversation." He turned his back, "I will pretend this didn't happen and so should you."

"Because its not peace?"

"He didn't have a choice!" he snapped. "Arjun was kidnapped. There were bullet flying. He was almost dead. Are you telling me this situation is same as that?"

"Are you certain that, if, situations were different, he would not have pressed the trigger." Sameer knew the answer.

"The situations aren't comparable."


"Because . . . " He was at a loss of words. "Dammit Riya! What the fuck you expect me to say to this? Is it a request? An order? Is this a favour? Do you want me to be accomplish? And then what? You and I go back to our old life? Carry on like nothing happened? If we cant upheld our moral standing, why are we even here? Let both of us resign and then we can start out vigilante justice system, yeah? We can have list of all criminals and psychopaths out there, eliminate them one by one. Sounds good to you?" He sneered, "Maybe Arjun can join us too. if he gets to know this, he will react badly. I don't know how, but that will be bad. There will be 500 reasons he will say how its bad idea, and I am saying the same thing." Sameer took the chair again.

"They went to army base, and if Damre does anything, we will nab him. No bail. Nothing this time. He will be behind bars permanently. Sakshi Anand? I will take care of that. I have sent a request for phone tapping, the moment we get it Damre is gone. We will have all the transcripts and everything to send him back. Do you think you are the only one effected? Just because . . . because I chose him, you think Sir is meaningless to me? You don't know what he meant, to all of us. You don't . . ." Composing himself, he looked at her straight.

"You said nothing today. I heard nothing. Get it in your head."

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