Sanemi Shinazugawa was the first hasira you met, it changed your life for the worst you would give anything to go back to that day and never interact with him.. Not that you had anything to give anyway they took all that to.
You should've never taken him in and help treat his wounds, you should've let him bleed out on the snowy ground that would be so much better then what your dealing with right now locked up in a house on cliff where they continuessly threatened to drop you off the side of if you didn't behave.
It was all his fault you were just being kind... Well thats what you get in a cruel world such as this one.
You remembered the day you met him so clearly the memories haunt you..
Its snowing how beautiful... you thought to yourself. Indeed you always found the snow beautiful the coldness, the snow flakes, the ice, and the frost, everything about it was beautiful. You couldn't help but want to go outside and play around a little it wouldn't hurt unless you got a cold..
You brushed off that possibility and put on some thick socks and your straw boots before heading outside you figured you weren't going to stay outside to long becasue you knew it would get boring pretty fast.
You slid open the shoji door and stepped onto the engawa. It was so peaceful you took a deep breath of the cold air and sighed it out. Ah this was truly perfect the peacefulness and beauty of winter was just perfect. You always would enjoy the season, it was your favorite.
You decided you would take a little walk around the forest just to look around at all the trees covered in snow and maybe mess around a little. You stepped of the engawa and onto the snow covered ground you made no sound while doing so the snow if fresh and soft.. You smiled and looked up towards the sky watching and feeling the snow flakes fall onto your face. You love it all.
You walked a little further into the trees and on the path towards the village. You lived just outside of the village, it was small yes but you didn't like interacting with people much so you lived outside the town. The people there were always nice to you and they adored you they all thought you were a beauty with your (h/l) and (h/c) hair. They also complimented your crystal (e/c) eyes. You knew most of what they said was bullshit but it made you feel nice so kept on letting them complement you.
Maybe you could get some sweet from the village... You were quite used to getting things for free from the people of the village mainly beacsue you were kind, helpful, and beautiful. You did always try to pay them back but they often declined.
You picked up your speed a little you got yourself excited with the thought of sweets.
Your walking slowed down when your heard a low groan or what you thought was one..? You could just beauty hear it, you stopped walking completely and listened for the sound again. You walked towards where you thought you heard it come from.
There it was again! And it was louder this time, your going in the right direction.
Huh..? A man?! He's covered in blood I think he's still bleeding!
This freaked you out and you ran over to the man you quickly kneeled down beside and looked around for anything that could help. No dice. You looked over his wounds he has been stabbed in the stomach... No thats not a stab wound that looks like a slashes or scratches..
You lifted his shirt just above wounds. This man was barely conscious. You brought the end of your kimono up to your mouth and started tearing till you have a long enough strip to wrap around the man.
You wrapped the strip of kimono around his waist tightly and finish tying it. He wouldn't last if you ran to the village to get help... You have to take him your home its a lot closer.
You grabbed his arm and hoisted him up he was quite heavy and looked like he would pass out any second now but he tried helping you walk him to wherever you were going. This man must've had faith in you to not let him die... You have to get him to your place!
After successfully lugging the man home and properly treating his wound to the best of your abilities, you sat down on the floor next to him and held your face in your hands while waiting for him to eventually wake up so you could get the village doctor.
Its crazy to think what would happen if you didn't go on that walk.. You would've probably found him dead and partially decomposed...
He's quite the looker... The scars he has are a little scary and off-putting but he is quite handsome. He has white spiky hair and many many scars all over he also has great muscles..
You light slapped yourself and stood up walking away from the man.You found yourself in the kitchen deciding to make something for both of you to eat. No doubt he'll be weakened in the state he's in maybe you'll make something big to help replenish his strength..
You decided on making quite a few things to many things.. You almost burned some.. You set the food out on the chabudai and walked back over to the man making sure he was still alive. He was doing fine no heaving or troubled breathing.
You need to put on a new kimono this ones is ripped! You thought to yourself and walked into your room to find another one. It didn't take to long for you to change into a new one. You exited your room and was met with the mans wide eyes staring at your from the floor.
It kinda freaked you out his eyes looked so red!
"Who the hell are you and where the fuck am I!?" The man shouted at you.
Oh.. Such a fowl mouth!!

loop (yandere hashira x reader)
FanfictionHashira magnet, is what you were called among low ranking demon slayers and kakushi. You understood why many people hardly ever meet one where as you've met them all. Unfortunately. You didn't mind them at first, infact you loved them they were all...