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A week passed and no one had come into your house, no demon slayers at all.

You began getting paranoid as well, shoving handfuls of wisteria flowers into your pockets when ever you left the house.(didn't matter is the sun was out or not) Hanging dried wisteria outside of the towns peoples houses and praying they wouldn't take them down. And other things like that.

You honestly were so scared of the demons even though there was a very little chance they could even get to you. Demons... They ate people and from what Shinobu told you most of them were incredibly sadistic and liked to rip flesh off people while they were still alive. It freaked you out a lot.

But eventually four people had come along and you clang to them . Another Hashira and his three wives. They were going to stay for awhile to plan and pinpoint a demon they were looking for.


He was quite tall but not  as tall as Gyomei-sama thats for sure. And his wives were all beautiful, they didn't wear crops uniforms and Uzui wore a sleeveless uniform.

They were quite the loud bunch, well Uzui, Suma and Makio were loud while Hinatsuru tried keeping them down. You didn't mind though at least you weren't scared and lonely anymore.

You knocked on the door and waited for an answer, they stopped talking for a money before you heard shuffling and a little arguing on who was going to answer the door. Uzui ended opening the door while his wives whispered behind him.

"Yes, what is it?" He asked, he didn't sound impressed.

"Food is ready... I can bring it to the room if you want." You were kinda scared of him, his eyes seemed to dig into you and judged  everything you did.

"Yeah I think-"

"WHAAA!!?! I WANNA EAT WITH (L/N)-SAN!!" Suma yelled out.

"SHUT UP YOU INTERRUPTED TENGAN-SAMA!!" Makio yelled and swatted the back of her head. You could see tears violently pour out of her eyes.


"I DID NOT!!" Makio defended.

"I didn't see anything..." Uzui sweat dropped.(he saw)

"Calm down you two your embarrassing us..." Hinatsuru sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose.



"GIRLS!!" Uzui yelled to get there attention, it worked. They all stopped doing what ever they were doing before and looked at him. "Makio, stop hitting Suma, Suma stop crying. And Hinatsuru... Keep being flashy."


"THATS TOTALLY FAVORITISM!!!" The two girls shouted.

"SHUSHH!" He yet again had to yell to keep them in check, your so glad there were no other guests at the moment. "Do you girls want to eat in the room or should we all go to the main room??" He asked, an irk mark was forming on his forehead.

"The main room!!"

"Yeah, so we can eat with (l/n)-san!!"

"Yeah I would also like to eat in the main room."


"Main room it is then..."


It took awhile to get Suma and Makio to calm down you had to sit between them so they wouldn't fight anymore.

It was silent for a moment, though you knew better it was just the calm before the strom...

"(L/n)-san your food is so good!! Why'd don't you become our wife!??" Suma said while munching on the food in front of her.


"What!?" Both you and Uzui chocked on the food and stared at each other.

"Suma you can't ask that yet!!" Makio reached over you to slap Suma, again.

Yet??? You sweat dropped and looked at Hinatsuru who just smiled and waved at you.

"You guys can't just decide that..." Uzui felt all his confidence in his wives drain.

"But (l/n)-san would be a great co-wife for us." Hinatsuru said.

You too?!?! Both you and Uzui thought simultaneously. You stared at eachother once again as if hearing eachother. Well Uzui basically did...

You went back to eating, you didn't know what to say like at all. And they just continued conversing about having you as a wife as if you weren't even there.
Well the way Suma says it makes if sound more like your a pet...

"Do I get a say in any of this..?" You quietly asked almost hopping they didn't hear you incase you got an answer you didn't like.

"Well duh." Makio was the first to answer.

"Yeah we wouldn't just try to marry you without your consent." Hinatsuru... I love you, your the only voice of reason here...

"We can make sweets for you..." Your like 80% sure Suma is trying to bribe you.

"You are quite flashy! I think you would make great wife material, but not right now!" Not right now?

"Heh..." You were blushing like a mad man.

"Whaa?? Tengan-sama, what do you mean not right now?? We can take care of her!!"

"I'm pretty sure (l/n)-san can take care of herself." Sometimes...

"Lord Tengan..." Hina whined.

"We have many things to do my darlings! And we must slowly woo her, maybe after we retire!" And just like that we all went back to eating. You were so confused...

How dose anyone just talk about marrying someone they basically just met while in the same room!?

They were all nut cases. Very attractive nut cases... Very very pretty and handsome nut cases...

"AH!" You squeaked and shot up from the table and ran to your room. Your face was totally red and now you were laying on your bed and and screaming into your pillow. (Uzui can hear you) You probably would marry them if you knew them better, and if it meant to didn't have to leave this house... But still!

They were all so very attractive how could you refuse them?? You'd have to be crazy.

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