without me

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The girl silently walked about she didn't really feel like walking after the last time but she was trying to find something. That blade the Shinazugawa-san was talking about.

It was green right? She hoped that was the color because she probably wouldn't be able to find it otherwise. Well she probably would've but she might've not picked it up.

And if she didn't find it she would be heading into town to get some treats! She very much enjoyed the ohagi and dango that the baker made, it was heavenly and like none of the other sweets she had before.

Maybe she would look for the sword after just so she could get some.. Yeah she's going to town first! She would feel bad if it got stolen but not many people came up this way unless they were to drop things off for you or they offered to walk you home. Well.. Maybe people did come up here often but surely no one would take it, also there's a possibility that Shinazugawa-san already found his sword.

Alright I'm convinced let's go visit Mai-chan! It never took to long, your house was just outside town and covered by trees so it looked farther away but really it only took about ten minutes to get to the village.

You pushed on forward already seeing the small shops and even smaller houses. You quite liked the people here they were all nice and were always helping eachother out.

The village seemed lively as ever some of the village kids even came to greet you.

"(Y/n)-chan! Come play with us!"

"Yeah (Y/n)-chan come on it will be fun!" The kids cheered. You didn't exactly feel like playing with them today. You were mainly here to get some sweets then dip...
You could always play with the another time.

"Ah I'm sorry I don't feel like playing today," The kids expressions all dropped. "But I will play with you all next time I promise!" And they light up again.

"Okay (y/n)-chan you have to remember you promised though!"

You ruffled the little boys hair. "I'll remember don't worry." He smiled and ran off with the other kids.

You smiled and headed down the road towards Mai-chans bakery. Mai-chan was a older woman maybe in her fortys but she adored you and always told you she would love to have you as a daughter and things along those lines. Though you never saw her as a mother figure you still considered her your aunty.

The doors to Mai's shop were wide open you could already smell the sweets and bread. You sighed in delight and stepped in.

"Oh! Hello (y/n)-chan!!" The woman waved you over no longer paying attention to the woman in front of her. "Have you considered my offer yet?? You must be lonely in that house all alone, you should come live with me I'll take good care of you!"

The woman who was talking to Mai-san turned around to look at who she was talking to. She felt a irritated at the older woman for completely ignoring her after another came in, but after looking at her all her anger faded. She was beautiful, her fake smiled dropped and her mouth hung open.

She must've been one of the beautiful people Shinobu had ever seen no wonder the woman ignored her to talk to her. She shook her head and smiled again this time feeling a bit more real as she approached the two women.

"Mai-chan you know I'm more than capable of taking care of myself, I don't need anyone else to help me."

You will need someone... A young beautiful girl such as yourself surely needed someone stronger than yourself to protect you from demons and other horrible things.

"Ah excuse me," Shinobu interrupted them the two women looked over at her, one smiled and the other slightly frowned no longer being able to have a conversation with the young woman. Her smile was truly heavenly... She looked so pure and full of emotion..

"Is there something you need?" Mai-san asked a little ticked off, the girl with (h/c) hair stared at her curiously.

"Uhm yes? You were just about to bag my stuff.." She found her confidence was diminishing in front of the girl.

"Oh yes! I'm sorry I just got excited." She quickly walked back behind the counter and bagged up Shinobu's things.

"Its quite alright I don't mind." She did mind but she understood why, she herself would probably drop everything to talk the that girl.

"Ah.. Your hair is very pretty the purple really suites you!" The girl behind her blurted out. She turned around to look at her planning to say something back but paused after feeling her face heat up, it felt like she was having a fever.

"T-thank you..," Your very beautiful yourself the fact that you can take my words away with only ten words is an amazing power in itself. "Would you like anything? I wouldn't mind paying for you." Shinobu pointed at the many baked goods in the glass case behind her.

"Oh no I couldn't!" The girls face was dusted in pink.

"I insist, I would love to pay for you." I really would... You would be and amazing wife, I could but all the food you ever wanted and all the most beautiful kimonos.

"Well... I suppose so.." She said shyly.

"Great! What would you like?" Mai- san was silently cheering in the background watching the sweet interaction between the two.

"Oh! She likes the ohagi and dango! She always gets them, isn't the right (y/n)-chan!?" Mai-chan blurted out.

"(Y/n)-chan.." Shinobu whispered to herself loving the way (y/n's) name rolled off her tongue.

"Y-yeah thats right.." The girl answered nervously and maybe a little embarrassed.

"Alright then can I get four ohagi and five dango sticks?"

The girl behind her panicked thinking about how that would cost the lady in front of her.

"Thats a bit much I'm sure I don't need all of that!!" She panicked.

"Its quite alright, again I don't made paying for a cute girl such as your self." Shinobu gave a closed eyed smile as she felt for confidence return.


"Cute?!" Both Mai and (y/n) yelled out.

As Mai bagged up the sweets the lady had bought for her she couldn't help but notice something familiar about her she just couldn't figure out what it was...

She had definitely never seen her before but... Ah! Her clothes!! They looked like Shinazugawa-san's clothes, how odd was that?

"Here you go (y/n)-chan." The lady said handing the sweets over to the girl.

"Thank you so much! Er.." She frowned realizing she never got her name.

"Just call me Shinobu." She smiled.

"Thank you Shinobu-chan! Oh uhm also this may be a wired question but do you know any one by the name of Shinazugawa Sanemi?"

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