chamber of reflection

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For the days Giyu stayed in your home you followed him everywhere like a puppy. In return he did as well.

When you were handing out food you made sure to give him his meal first, but he refused to eat unless it was with you. When doing check ups it was the same you made sure he received attention first and he usually stayed in the room while you were cleaning, wrapping or stitching up wounds.

You were so greatful to him. And when he left you could feel your heart break a little, you wanted to beg him to stay. But even so you knew he couldn't stay, he had a job to do and so did you. You tried sending him letters in which he either didn't reply to or very awkwardly replied to. You both kept eachothers letters.

Thats why your still here, dealing with kind and mean people all day. Treating their wounds feeding them and giving them shelter.


You honestly just wanted to sleep all day, last night three of the slayers staying here had reopened  wounds so you had to fix those, then another slayer decided they were hungry and barged into you room just as you were about to fall asleep. And to top it all off two of the slayers got into a fight and broke the bedrooms door. You cried and then yelled at them. Thats like the only thing you didn't want to happen.

But it was all okay because they were all leaving today, and the house would be empty for at least a couple days. That means you'll have time to go shopping for more food and maybe even pay someone to fix the door.

Mai-chan probably missed you so you would give her a visit as well.

You groaned as you sat up and looked for a clean kimono, the only thats was clean in here was one Kyojuro bought you. You reached up to touch the earrings he bought you as well, you hadn't taken them out yet. The only reason you haven't worn it yet was because you were scared it wouldn't fit you. But it did! So you put it on and headed out of your room.

You went to the kitchen and started making breakfast for the slayers before they left. It was kind of rude of you to have these thoughts but you were quite happy they were leaving. They were just so loud and rude. Well there are some of them who are okay.

You finished cooking and began to set the food on trays and just set them all on the table. You weren't delivering food today. They were being bad and are not allowed to eat in their rooms anymore. Was this what being a mother felt like..? If so you didn't want it...

You sweat dropped and made your way down the hallway and began knocking on doors and telling them food was at the table. Until you got into the room that didn't have a door, then you just kinda stared creepily into the room till one of the slayers noticed you.

"Food..." Was all you said before they shot up and left the room. You think you freaked them out after you cried and yelled at them... and then almost stabbed them. Anyways..


They all finished eating and began changing into their uniforms.

You wouldn't miss them...

You were there as they all thanked you and apologized for eachothers actions. You would miss the one with the brown hair... She was cute.

"Goodbye lady (L/n)!! I hope to see you again!" She bid her farewell as her team mates hid behind her.

//The two that broke the door//

"Ah yes goodbye for now, I too wish to see you again you were quite the guest. I pray for your safety and wish you luck in battle." You smiled at her and she waved you off while dragging her two comrades with her.

Someone was behind you.

"You know that hashira isn't here anymore..." You looked back at the man, he was the same one that Giyu had saved you from.

"That doesn't matter I still don't want you. Now please leave you've over spent your stay here."
You growled at the man.

"Fine whatever I'll be back though you can count on that."

//he didn't come back after Sanemi had over heard Shinobu and Giyu talking about what happened//

You watched him leave and scowled. Three more slayers had emerged from your home.

"We'll be leaving now."

"Thank you for your hospitality!"

"I hope you don't get to bored with out us lady (l/n)!"

Your scowl fading at their goodbyes, you shook your head and flashed a small smile.

"Goodbye you guys, I hope you all make a safe return home, and I wish you luck on the battle filed."

They nodded and set off.


"Mai-chan!" You cooed at the older woman. And she dropped what ever she was doing and rushed up to you.


//she was worried just not enough to come check on you, you missed her//

"I'm sorry, I've been real busy as of late."

"What? Busy with what??" The older woman curiously asked.

"I have a job now! My house is like an inn of sorts." You smiled at Mai.

"Of thats great (y/n)-chan!! I'm so happy for you!"


After purchasing a many bags of food you trudged back up to your house gods these were heavy.

As you continued walking the snow seemed to move? Excuse me? And then its eyes opened!?

You stared down at it, before finally realizing that it was an animal, a snake. You crouched down to look at it. It was warming up outside but there's still quite a bit of snow on the ground.

"Woah its mighty cold out here especially for snakes... Come here I'll take you home and warm you up." You said and out reached your arm for the snake. It obliged and slithered into the bag you were holding, its head just popping out. How cute..

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