You walked into Mai-chans bakery and sat down at one of the tables. You weren't feeling the best today and you didn't know if you were sick from being in the lake or if you just were feeling well.
Anyways you'll leave that to Mai-chan to figure out. Leave it to Mai-chan to save the day!
"Well you don't usually get sick from the cold... Maybe you just miss your new friends?"
"That could be it, but I'm sure I wouldn't feel this bad..."
"Hmm... Do you wanna help me bake things today? You could have all the little mess ups and even lock the bowls if you wanted!" Mai-chan beamed at you.
"Sure I'd love you help." You stood up and Mai-chan lead you to the back where the kitchen was.
Were you helping because you got free food from this? Yes? But also because this was much better than spending the whole day at home.
"Okay come here and wash your hands and then we'll start making some things."
"Hai." You started washing your hands, then you dried them. (Woah that was so underwhelming to write)
"Oh (y/n)-chan could you get me the flour and sugar? Oh and the yeast too! Right in the cabinet there!" Mai-chan pointed to a cabinet across the kitchen from her.
"Yes Mai-chan!" You quickly opened the cabinet and grabbed the bag of flour, it was pretty big. Good thing you were stronger than most women from all the wood chopping and other things you did. You hoisted the bag over your shoulder and set right next Mai.
Then quickly went to grab the yeast and sugar.
"Ohh (y/n)! I forgot just how strong you were! You would be so handy around my house you should come live with me!!" Mai-chan beamed at you while mixing her ingredients together.
"You know I can't do that Mai-chan." You sighed out.
"Ohh I know I'm just teasing you!" Your glad Mai-chan was so happy all the time. "Oh I heard the bell (y/n) could you go get that for me??"
"Yep on it!" You said and dashed towards the counter.
You saw a woman, she was beautiful... Her clothes made you blush a bit they were quite revealing. And she had the most pretty hair you've ever seen!
Oh she's so pretty!!
Oh she's so pretty!!
Both you and the girl thought.
"Uhm hi! What can I get for you??" You stared at her, her hair was green and pink oh and her eyes matched too!!
"Hello! I'd just like to say your very beautiful!!" She blushed madly and looked away.
You could feel your cheeks heat up as well. "Oh thank you so much! Your very beautiful too!!"
Aww!! You both thought.
"Oh right! Could I get this whole tray of dango... And... uhm... If you didn't mind could you make and extra thirty sakura mochi added with the tray!?" She felt so embarrassed asking for so much food in front of this cute girl hopefully she didn't think she was wired.
"Woah thats a lot! Are you going to a gathering or something??" You asked curiously.
"N-no its all for me.." she said very quietly as if she didn't want you to hear her.
"Really you can eat that much!?? Thats so cool I wish I could eat that much I would be so happy!!" You say as you start putting the dango in small boxes. "Oh wait right here I have to tell Mai-chan to make more of the sakura mochi!"
You thought it was cool..? You thought it was cool!! Oh this is awesome most people are so wrieded out by it! But you said it was cool!! Mitsuri thought to herself.
"Alright I'm back! Mai-chan said she'll start making it right away!"
"Thats great!"
You started boxing her things again, and the bakery fell into a comfortable silence. The girl was very patient with you guys and never even called you slow. After you finished boxing and bagging most of her things you looked up at her. She was staring at you with a red face.
She looks so cute while working!!!
"So what's your name?"
"Ah! Its Kanroji Mitsuri!! What's yours!?" Mitsuri was very happy you were talking to her.
"My name is (l/n) (y/n)! But you can call me (y/n)." She said and smiled.
You were gonna give Mitsuri a heart attack!
"Wow okay (y/n)-chan! Then you can call me Mitsuri!" You smiled and nodded.
"(Y/n) get over here and take these things there done!" Mai-chan called to the girl.
"Ah.. I'll be right back!"
You quickly went to the back of the shop and grabbed the sakura mochis from Mai. You made your way back up front and started boxing them fast. You put all the boxes and bags and handed it Mitsuri.
"Here you go I hope you enjoy!!"
Kya!! She so perfect!! Oh I just have to have her!
"Thank you so much (y/n)-chan I will enjoy these!" Then Mitsuri began digging through her pockets and handed me a bunch on money. "That should cover it right??"
"Yep this is enough! In fact you actually over paid quite a bit."
"Oh you could just keep it I've got tons of money! Bye bye (y/n)-chan, I hope to see you soon!!" Kanroji waved the girl off and walked out just as (y/n) was saying goodbye.
"Bye!!! I had fun talking to you!"
Mitsuri smiled the whole time she walked back the the park she hoped to catch you while you were leaving the bakery. But she had places to be so she would have to eat her food and leave...
She teared up at the thought. No matter! She can always visit you when she had time off!! Oh maybe she could bring Shinobu or Iguro!! She was sure the two of you would get along just fine!

loop (yandere hashira x reader)
FanfictionHashira magnet, is what you were called among low ranking demon slayers and kakushi. You understood why many people hardly ever meet one where as you've met them all. Unfortunately. You didn't mind them at first, infact you loved them they were all...