Chapter One: Destiny

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"Why aren't you talking?" She asks, as my eyes stayed glued to the window.

"Thinking." I state dry.

"About what exactly?" My eyes meet with hers. "I'm making sure you're still coherent, so I don't have to kill you."

"I'm thinking about how this all started, things aren't adding up." Silence continues, as the conversation follows up. "This isn't natural, the spread of this outbreak must've been man-made."

"So, you think this was on purpose?" I shrug, lifting my eyebbrows. "You seem to know a bit about this."

"I'm studying to be a scientist, so I hope I know." As we finally enter the city, cars are blocking roads, in lines. "I'm guessing the outbreak started here." 

As she brakes, the whole vehicle moves forward, then back. A cop car with it's lights on, has people inside. I squint seeing two people turn back to look at us, the cars door unlocks, I watch as she starts to get out. My arm reaches, stopping her before she can fully step out, on either side there's the undead chomping away at the body. 

"You're bitten!?" She shouts, as I notice the clear teeth and jaw mark appear, the blood dripping down. 

Her scream alerts the rotten people, she slams the car door, locking it. They approach, and start shaking the car.

"Get out!" She shouts, the door unlocks, as I use my full force to close it.

"You're fucking evil!" The door opens for a split second, I kick the head trying to get another bite. The back passenger, closes again as two bright lights impair my vision. 

A huge truck, driving at full-speed approaches, I scatter my thoughts, unable to focus on anything. My head looks forward onto the cop car, seeing a pair of blue eyes look back at us, on my left there's two undead, but right only one. Probability wise, I might be able to survive this. I dive forward, snatching the knife, as the woman switches seats.

"You bitch!" She angrily snaps.

The truck steers off, still full speed but turning diagonally. I use my arms to prepare for the crash. The truck pushed us forward, the cop car flies as we follow, as we continue until we finally make contact with the car ahead of us. As soon as I felt a stop, I ran out of the car, the pain stinging in my right arm.

I clutch my knife, seeing both cars completely destroyed. My body limps as I drag myself away from the scene. As I hear growling, my feet gain the strength to run, looking back I see two of them still alive. 

"Hey!" Looking forward, I bump into a figure. The arms grasp, as I continue fighting, pulling out the knife. I push away, holding it up against the body. "Woah--woah, calm down."

My arm goes up against my chest, comforting my pain that stings along my nerves.

"Don't--don't touch me." His hand drops, making the confidence come back to look up again. Those same blue eyes I saw, it's his. "Are you--"

"No, no I'm not." His glance softens, as I put down the knife. "Are you okay?"

"Better than I could be." I turn around again, seeing no sight of those--things. 

"Oh, no..." He states. 

My bite, he probably saw my bite.

His hand grabs my arm, covering the bite completely, yanked forward an explosions erupts behind me. My body flies, against his, as we're both slammed into the vehicle. Instantly I roll away, feeling broken glass under my back. Leaning up, I feel the sweat increase on my forehead from the fresh flames. I get up, and offer a hand towards him, he grabs it, jumping up with a grunt.

"Thank you." I state. Before he could respond, two shadows move from the corner of my eye. "Hey!?"

He follows my idea, shouting for those on the other side of the accident.

"Claire!?" No seconds as he continues his search. "Claire are you alright?!"

"Yeah!" She responds. "I'm alright---we're alright! How about you!?" We exchange looks, seeing both of us, struggling with the new pain we received from the explosion.

"We're fine! We can't stay here, it's not safe!" More of the undead appear, starting to surround us. 

"Go on ahead, we'll meet you two at the station!" She shouts, I eagerly spot my pocket knife as one of them steps over it. 

My leg swings, kicking the dead man in the stomach, he flings back. I snatch the weapon, and feel a hand grab mine. 

"Come on!" He shouts. I nod, and quickly start to lead the way. 

I avoid the crowd surrounding us, and see a faint light shine the way to the back alley. The growls, and heavy steps keep me focused on my task to get the hell out of here. We turn a sharp corner, my grasp still tight as the crackling of the flames subside. The night air, giving us a peace of mind. 

"You seem to know where you're going." He humors, carefully I trail along steps leading downwards. 

"I hope so, it's not like I've lived here majority of my life." I release his hand, realizing the entire time, I've been holding on. 

"You're a local?" My arm hugs tightly to my chest, the dry blood sent making me nauseous.

"Born and raised." Stairs lead us upwards, as he catches up with me, this time standing beside me. "What about you?" He hums, like he wasn't expecting such question asked.

"What about me?" He playfully asks in retaliation. 

"Obviously you're a cop, and you aren't infected--so how come you managed to avoid this disaster?" He looks at me with amusement, then continues his path.

"I was late." I raise a brow at him. "My first day was today, and I was late."

"You must be thankful." My tone cheerful but full with irony.

"Yesterday my girlfriend broke up with me, so I went to a party. I drank and drank, until I overslept and missed today." Our walk ends, as my face drops, guilty for making a joke out of this.

"I'm--I'm so sorry." He smirks, gently the corner of his mouth rises.

"In a way, I am thankful." Rain starts to lightly pour, my head tilting up, feeling the cold drops cool my sweat. "And you?"

"Me? Well, it's a bit of a process to get where we are now." I scoff, letting excess oxygen escape my lungs with a sigh.

"I've got time." He smiles cocky, as I continue our walk towards the police station. 

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