Chapter Fifteen: Plant 43

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Flipping the page another code is to be seen, throwing the chair back I limp towards the pin pad. Each button I strike, gets implemented into the machine, accepting the correct symbols, the drug testing room opens. Reading on, I hear a dispenser start up, look over the cartridge slowly slides out. A cylinder tube poking out of the hole it came from, I wrap my hand around it, giving it a turn, it unlocks successfully.

This is the herbicide, the solution the paper stated. Shit, the room is across from Leon, he'll see it opened. Dragging myself to the window, I cannot spot his location, he must be in the room or these plants are blocking my view. My head lowers, examining the cartridge in my hand, knowing I have to go out there. Leon needs this, before this jungle of a room grows with the pre-made solution.

Hearing a robotic voice outside the room, I watch a sprinkler lower from sockets. 

"No!" I shout, pressing my body against the glass. The solution sprays onto the plants, mimicking a heavy rain. "Shit."

I peek over seeing the sprinkler fit into the ceiling, pushing the door, a staircase leads down into the center of this mess. Sprinting down the staircase I hear my thigh scream in pain, fighting through my thoughts are on Leon. Movement is being seen, shaking the plants surrounding me. Rapidly I move around, not willingly to drop my pistol down, watching one of those things lean over the wall, I immediately pop one in them. Keeping the bullets coming, I walk towards it, making sure as it drops onto the floor, it ain't moving no more. 

Going over the body two more are spotted ahead of me, blocking the path. The gun weighing lighter worries me, I check the ammunition seeing my bullets depleted. Shoving the gun into the holster, I pull out Marvin's knife. Never had a specifics for religion but, Marvin better get your ghost ass in here. One of them pounces at me, charging forward with no fear. He grabs my shoulder, as I plunge the knife into the yellow bump in his body. The goop landing on my leg, as I take it out. It falls back, an opportunity falls as I swing, cutting his hip, marking another one of his weak spots. 

The monster grabs my neck, I struggle as my knife flips over. Plunging the blade into his wrist, he lets go. Taking out the weapon I swing, it jumps back, signaling the other one to join in on the fun. Vulnerable, the other one tackles me, the heaviness throwing my mind off, since it mostly a plant. Acting quick, the knife goes into the head, the yelps of it hurting my ears. Kicking it away, I crawl backwards, achieving enough space to get up safely. Leaning up, one attempts to fall onto me, rolling right, I stop myself on a railing, the bottom of this place being a long drop downward.

Using the railing to my advantage, I stand up using the time to escape without having to fight. All my speed focus towards the small gated hall, turning back the two get up, their bodies being like a straw, oddly but fascinatedly flexible. The metal shaking below me with the noise being caused by this cat and mouse chase. Watching the door open, Leon's gaze finds mine, his eyebrow raises.

"Science is so stupid." I mumble angrily as Leon let's me into the room, shooting those things. Catching my breath, he closes the door.

"Why--Y/N why did you stay at the lab?" Opening my mouth to answer, a woman's body slowly raises. Throwing the knife behind Leon, I hit her head, a gasp escaping my lips. "Whoa!" Leon jumps, his hands raised a bit. 

"I was hoping to hit the body..." The corpse falls, Leon goes over, pulling out the dirty blade. "To destroy these things, and stopping them from developing is from this Herbicide." Holding up the cartridge, Leon examines the knife slowly walking back to me.

"Nice one." He offers the knife. "Herbicide?" We make a simple trade, as he curiously shakes the liquid.

"This whole area--Plant 43, there are records of the growth, the danger this can create in hours or minutes even." He starts looking around the room, trying to figure out where the item can be placed. "The G-Virus is in a controlled lab,  or Annette has it carried on her--my bet is on Annette." Leon stops moving on the other side of the room, staring at something, patiently I stroll over.

"There's a section I saw locked, a scientist was dead but I spotted a higher authority band on him." Leon slides in the cartridge, the machine accepting the solution. "If we can somehow unlock that area, we are cleared to go directly into West Area."

"Our time is cut shorter than before." Approaching behind Leon, he turns, looking down at me.

"What're you talking about?" A beep alarms us both, as the solution fills into a empty tube.

"The reason I ran to you, was because the growing solution was automated to spray at periods. For our luck, it sprayed seconds after I found the code and herbicide." A laser creates a line around the tube, it needs a bit more solution to fill into the line. "An army could be developing."

"You ran to fight it with me." Rolling my eyes, I started playing around with the buttons on the machine. "Let me tease."

"Leon, I swear--" With a bit of annoyance. He playfully shrugs, watching me switch places of the solutions.

"Find no mushy moments, got it." Furrowing my brows, the solution appropriately fills to the line. Turning my head, Leon is standing there watching me, his gaze amused. 

"Leon." Stating, knowing he'll either say something mushy or--

"I'm glad you're still here." He lowly tells me.

"Me too." The glisten in his eyes seemed grateful, his eye bags poking out of his skull from lack of sleep. No matter how exhausted, his optimism giving me a warm feeling inside. Another beep makes my neck snaps, as the solution is accepted. "Okay, limited time before it sprays." grabbing onto his forearm, grazing through as I move backward. "Poisonous solution to plants can kill us too."

"Understood." Turning around he follows behind me, as we exit the room. 

At the center one of those things wait for us, blocking a small detour, a hole in the ground. Leon shoots the yellow on it's body, as those familiar noises appear again, this time from all corners. The thing's torso fall backwards, snapping back like one of those 90's bracelets that go on your wrist. The body creates a big thump, sending a vibration towards the others. 

We spot the hole, a ladder sitting against the wall of it. Leon's hand guides me towards it, the firm placement along my lower back as I climb down. My speed picking up, as he continues to fire bullets above me. A huge tube fills the space of the room, assuming this was a way for maintenance to get around without disturbing the experiments conducted. 

"Take a look at this." Leon hands me something rectangle, a source of equipment. It must do with the maintenance of the building. "Signal Modulator."

"There's five stations on this, how are we supposed to know which one correlates with maintenance." He scoffs playfully, shinning his light over the room, spotting the door to my right.

"Hopefully we'll find out." My fingers start turning the dials, the lines on the graphs moving rapidly, with every small movement. "I found where to put it, during the time you were finding the code, I was exploring these areas. The station should be above the modulator."

"Cheeky technology, Umbrella was not playing around." I stop playing with the dials, holding it tightly beside me. 

Entering the hall, we're back into the main building, this time it was connected to the NEST itself. Allowing myself to limp, a wave of relief flows over my leg, giving it a break from the exercise I've been doing. Approaching a breakroom, everything was destroyed and shifted around. A source of light coming from the wall, a modulator installed directly inside it. Blood is splattered, showing the dragged trail of it, as a body lays there. 

The face being ripped off, the eyes a bright white. Most bodies are either a conducted experiment or an unfortune scientist with a horrible fate. Usually you'll see this event happen in movies, an evil scientist cooking something up, but seeing it become and develop into a world destruction facility makes me worry. 

This isn't Frankenstein, it's a literal hell that I've become apart of. I chose the career that could cause all of this, I could become the problem. The reason that families are dead, the reason as to why my family and friends are all gone.

"Murf." Confusingly I look away from the body, as Leon turns towards me.

"What?" My expression a bit exaggerated.

"The station is Murf." A brow raises, as I see the station printed above the missing puzzle piece.

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