Chapter Ten: Hidden Connections

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The corpse inside the cell stares at me, the corner of my eye unwilling to ignore the sight of this gruesome horror. Clenching my jaw, I place another board onto the missing space, the light dry steps behind me pacing, then trailing around me. Turning the board, I feel an electric shock course through the finger I hurt.

"Damn..." I wince, shaking my hand to numb away the sudden shock.

"Everything good?" Leon finally speaks up.

"Yeah, yeah, just a stupid electrical shock." I examine my hand, blowing cool air onto the tip of my finger.

"Do you need me to take over?" His concern spills throughout his voice.

"I'm okay..." I turn, seeing him holding his pistol down, his eyes looking at me with somewhat of interest. "Try not to stress out that little brain of yours." The sarcastic tone, making a slight smirk appear.

"Too late for that, don't you think?" As my back is turned, I can hear the smile on his face while stating that sentence. "After we leave all this, are you going back into Microbiology?" I hum, nodding with a slight tilt to my head. 

"Knowing what's out there, someone has to make the cure." My hand grabs the last piece, as it doesn't fit into the mold. 

"Noble of you." He says, leaning onto he cell beside me, blocking my view of the dead man.

"Someone has to be." I give a quick glance, seeing him invested into what I'm doing. 

"Y/N..." Leon stands straight, taking another step closer, as I input the last board. Abruptly the cell door opens with aggression. We both turn, alarmed of the loud noise it made. 

Leon turns, leaning down, taking out my pistol I guard us both. He reaches for the key card, but pauses. Noticing the lack of movement, I hear a light click.

'....But that doesn't explain the rumors about the orphanage. I-I just find it way to coincidental Umbrella's one of the benefactors....'

'You told me that this interview was about the new scholarship Umbrella set up.'

'Come on, Annette. Nobody cares about that. They want to know about the G-Virus, and the--'

"Where did you hear about this?'

"--and that big fucking sinkhole in the city, which by the way, rumor has it goes straight to your. underground lab. Now are you going to talk to me or are you--'

"This interview is over.'


Leon tosses me the tape, my hands catch it as I notice it was recent. As he grabs the card, he stands up, slowing turning around.

"I can't believe this." Annoyed I put away the recording, as he shakes his head.

"Tell me the I told you so." He says disappointed, I scoff and turn away. 

"That Lab--" As I get cut off, the alarm for the prison goes off. Leon runs, I follow seeing the shadows from the other hallways. All the cell doors open, making our conversation get cut short.

Sprinting forward, I start spraying bullets as Leon scans the key card. Pulling down the lever, the gate ascends. We stop seeing that huge man again, looking back a crowd of those infected linger. We're cornered. Looking down, I see a few grenades holding onto Leon's belt, in our situation I'm willing to die from an explosion than being eaten or beaten alive. 

My hand snags the grenade, Leon looking from behind, his face full of violation. I shrug, and toss the grenade right at the giant man. Leon follows the action as the flash goes off, piercing our eyes. My body moves forward, using this time for an escape, picking up on my cues we both slide by. Turning left, three corpses block our path.

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