Chapter Twelve: New Faces

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We make it to another grated bridge, we're at the end of the sewer, this is where Leon should be. Our breaths hitch, I lean over the railing, waiting for any sign of Leon to run here. Ada leans back, not showing any worry or care that Leon is fighting a gigantic reptile living in a sewer system. It irks my nerve, but I let it go seeing the water move along like a wave, showing that he is still running on. 

I watch a huge wave hit the room, basically drowning all the trash surrounding the area. Leon falls over, as the reptile chomps onto a large pipe. As he bites down an explosion occurs, bursting the thing's head into pieces. 

"Chew on that, you overgrown son of a bitch." Leon stands up, shaking the disgusting water off.

"Leon get your ass up here." Sternly I state, kicking down the ladder. He climbs up, continuing to wipe off the dirty water. "You okay?"

"In one piece aren't I?" He slightly smirks, as Ada starts leading us out of here. "You said the virus turned people, not reptiles." His brows furrow, as Ada continues to walk.

"Fair point." She enters a elevator, leaning onto the wall beside the button. 

"So, they sell the virus's right? To people, like terrorists." My question stands curiously, as we all take a break from standing.

"Probably, scientists like Annette, they're far more scarier." The elevator doors open, as Ada takes the lead once more. As we walk through an empty room, I realize that the lab is down here, if I could get the virus, it could stop all of this. 

Gently we open the door, a blonde woman kneels over a dead man, examining the body closely. Leon runs forward, aiming his pistol at the woman, standing beside I slowly pull out mine.

"Identify yourself." Leon firmly commands.

"Annette Birkin." Ada answers, pointing her gun straight at her.

"Not much time..." Annette stands. "We need to dispose of it."

"We're here for the G-Virus." Ada states, stepping closer.

"That's not going to happen." Annette smirks, her eyes roaming to me, she spots the bite mark on my arm. My eyes widen, knowing what she must be thinking. "Oh, yeah..?" She tosses a match on the corpse, Ada jumps over it, Leon and I follow her.

Ada uses the wall blocking herself, as I step forward bullets start spraying away at me. Covering myself, Leon shouts my name, jumping in front of me. He tackles both of us down, as Ada continues firing shots at Annette.

"You'll never get the G-Virus! That girl is infected, kill her when you have the chance!" Annette screams. I sit up, and loom over Leon, seeing blood surrounding his arm. 

"Didn't expect that from a scientist." Ada snarks as her eyes stay focused on the door.

"Leon...why did you jump in front?" I question, applying pressure onto his wound. He whimpers in pain, as he turns to look at me.

"You wanted to die from your own hand, right?" He groans again. "Go, stop her before she gets away." Leon head lays on the ground, his eyes closing, as he goes unconscious from the pain. 

"Use this." Ada tosses me something white. It was a roll of bandages.

Quickly I pull Leon, leaning his upper body onto the wall. Where the blood was, I spot the bullet, it went clean through. Stretching the bandage I start to wrap it up, unable to disinfected it with anything. My arm makes laps around his, as it tightly holds against his shoulder, ripping the bandage, I place it down beside me. Tilting my head, his face calmly is asleep, I scoot myself across from him. 

"Thank you Ada." Lowly I whisper. She turns around with her arms crossed.

"You don't have to thank me, a job is a job." She watches the metal door ahead, I scoff lightly. "What's amusing?"

"Nothing, it was a simple thank you. All you have to say is you're welcome." Raising my gun, my eyes examine it.

"You're welcome, there." Her stubbornness makes me smile.

My eyes gently close, allowing me to finally relax, I've been up for so many hours, my body is not thanking me. Leaning my head back, a small gust of wind hitting the bridge of my nose. Turning my head, my hair blocks my eyes, covering the light. Sleep hits me, my body going limp as I fall into a deeper sleep.

My body jolts as I hear a loud bang, as I stand to my feet, I notice the door wide open and Ada missing. As I travel I come to a stop, seeing Leon peacefully sleeping, looking back at him then at the door. If Ada left us both alone and asleep, then this area must be safe. Hearing a static noise, I look back seeing the bandage and walkie-talkie on the ground beside us. I grab both, tuning the walkie. 

"Who is this?" My voice strong and determined, I start my journey out. A long draw silence plays over. "Answer."

"Y/N, wish we could meet in another way." Angry and annoyed, I remain silent. "When we meet I can officially introduce myself, make a deal."

"I wouldn't meet someone who I don't know, plain stupidity." Releasing the button, I climb down a latter, landing into ankle high sewer water. "Have you been watching me?" I interrogate the idea. "Are you gonna answer or do I have to assume you were and throw this walkie in the sewer water?"

"What if your assumption is correct?" He answers playfully, as I find some ground to walk along. Using his own game against him, I refuse to answer. "How's that bite of yours doing?"

"I'm going to ask this one more time, who are you?" My teeth grit with annoyance as I find a staircase to walk upwards. 

"It's interesting how the G-Virus adapted to your blood, your wound even healed quicker than you're average human as well." I push open the door, annoyed with his riddles. "Albert."

"Okay Albert, why are you telling me this?" Seeing a lever, I harshly yank on it, seeing a gate slide open.

"You are something I want, no-no something I need." Pressing the button, I chuckle a bit, bending down to sneak into the room faster.

"We're done." Angrily I slam the walkie down, shattering it to pieces.

My feet move across the room, seeing a bridge a straight clear way. Entering I spot Ada being pushed off. I run over, seeing her land in the pile of trash.

"Ada!?" I shout, seeing her slowly move.

"Not the smartest idea to be here kid." Annette states over the speaker, her eyes glistening with revenge. She puts her hand on a lever, adjusting it slightly.

"What did I ever do to you?!" I scream, seeing the huge crate hover over to me.

"You have the virus in your system, I'm destroying everything that lives because of it." The crate slams down as I roll away. My feet landing giving me a moment to run away, the crate slides against the bridge gaining more speed. I'm unable to out run the damn thing.

It pushes me off, making my fate end the same as Ada's. I roll for a long time, until I get slammed against a broken window, shattering the glass with my legs. Yelping in pain, I grab my thigh seeing a shard stabbing through my skin. My hand immediately wraps around the glass, I try to forcefully pull it out, my strength being weaker than expected.

Ada sits up, spotting me, as she gets up, her eyes spot my new problem. Leaning down, she does the same, using all her strength to pull the damn thing out.

"Jeez, this glass really put a number on you. Where's Leon when we need him..." She let's go, wincing from a small cut she received. 

"Find him...I can't walk like this." I groan, chest heaving from the pain.

"Are you sure you can handle to stay here on your own?" She stands up, as I nod quickly. "Guess I don't have to tell you to stay put."

"Normally I would smile maybe chuckle, but the pain is getting worse." My body lays down as she smirks, leaving the scene.

Seems like everything I do involving this virus, isn't going my way. My eyes stare at the ceiling, I close them, but I jolt up. The rumble happens again, as I whip my head trying to notify where the sound is coming from, my strength weakens. God, someone pull this out my leg before whatever made that sound eats me alive.

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