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As Ant357627 brought the guest back from their much needed rest.

GreenKing309: If anyone else is feeling distressed or in pain, we'll probably assist you in alleviating it. It is in our best interest to ensure that you all remain in good health.

The massive black screen flickered.

Sithlord863: Without further ado. Brace yourselves.

Roman breathed out, wishing he didn't finalize his resolve to quit smoking not long ago.

Roman: Ah shit. Here we go again.

The room darkened, and the screen flickers to life.

The sky was clear blue. The roaring waves of the ocean calmly masked the storm that was brewing not far from its own shores. Anti-tank obstacles were planted around the beach, impeding any armored assault that was to be carried out.

Saline water continuous flow through the metal obstacles, neither rough nor soft. The air was still and cool. It's the calm before the storm.

June 6, 1944

Dog Green Sector

Omaha Beach

Green read out as the words in white seared into the scenery.

Green: The month, day, and year that this battle takes place. There are ten sectors divided among the invading forces. We shall be witnessing one of them.

Oobleck:*nods* We also have a similar calendar system like theirs back on Remnant.

Numerous of landing crafts were making their way towards Omaha Beach, carrying American soldiers. Throughout the other sectors, Allied forces were also mobilizing; forming the largest amphibious invasion in military history.

The landing crafts sped through the rough sea, spraying water as the bow of the boats dipped and leveled.

Pietro: Interesting concept these vessels are. Not practical for our uses considering it's the Grimm we're mostly concern about.

Pietro babbled with a hint of uneasiness.

The scene focuses on an individual on one of the landing craft; his hands trembling intensively. He unsteadily grasps his metal canteen with both hands, unscrewed the cap, and lift it to his mouth.

Qrow nodded, taking a swig from his flask.

Qrow: To soothe the nerves. They're going to need it.

Harriet: Poor guy...

Harriet sympathizes with the plight of the enlisted.

The Authors & L/ns: Poor everyone...

Captain John Miller drank from the canteen, the camera zooms out revealing several other soldiers. Technical Sergeant Michael "Mike" Horvath is putting chewing tobacco into his mouth and several soldiers are throwing up due to seasickness.

Vernal: Aw, gross.

Vernal grimaced at the vomiting soldiers.

The Landing Craft Coxswain glanced behind him before turning to his charge. "Clear the ramp! Thirty-seconds! God be with you!"

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