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Ant: Alright, we're heading back to WW2.

Yang:*sarcastically groaned* Oh boy. Back to another viewing of horrible death and destruction we go.

Vernal:*snorted* And you wanted to be a huntress.

Yang: Want. To be a huntress.

The blond girl sneered in obvious disdain towards the bandit girl. She still cannot believe her mother ditched her for this prick.

Yang: I'm still sticking to my guns.

Ruby wrapped an arm around her sister and tried her best to look optimistic.

Ruby: Yeah!

Neptune:*tiredly* No choice but to go through with this.

Sun shared the same uneasy look with his partner.

Sun: Yeah...

Glynda: While I certainly wish all of you didn't witness the cruelty of reality this soon... The truth is that our world can be just as unforgiving as the one shown before us.

Glynda made a face before making a few of her thoughts more vocal.

Ozpin: Hmm. Perhaps not as many bloody wars as theirs.

Y/n: Many? We had a fuckton of wars.

Ironwood:*sarcastically* Well that puts my mind at ease.

Oobleck:*nods* Certainly a few skirmishes here and there, and several notable wars between kingdoms. The only war that can come remotely somewhat close is Remnant's Great War, according to the archives our good Hosts has provided me.

The Doctor of History scrunched his face at the numbers listed on the papers granted to him and his peers, magically conjured up out of thin air. An estimate of 85 million people died within this second world war in six years. This beats out the number of deaths from the first world war, which was estimated to be around 20 million deaths. The number was staggering enough that those who glanced over the papers felt incredibly small and insignificant.

Even Tock and Tyrain had to look at some papers to check.

Junior: It's a miracle they still have enough people to continue fighting after their first great war.

Roman: Yeah. Any number of casualties for any kingdom isn't something they can shrug off. Especially with these numbers.

Green: Try the 'for NATO' series WW3 number of casualties...

Salem stared at the dark screen before sighing when it flickered to life.

Salem: It's starting.

Darkness coated the screen as the sound of gunfire and screams of pain and death filled the air before lifting the dark veil to a bleak, dusty world in a pale light. Soldiers continue to rush forth deeper into the contested lands. A small squad of soldiers quickly hurried through the barren lands while taking fire before dropping down on the ground for cover, whilst an unlucky soldier from the group was shot through the chest and fell.

Japanese mortars and artillery shells exploded throughout the shifting lands, sending American soldiers flying in all directions. Despite heavy resistance and bombardment, the Americans pressed on the offense, sliding through the dirt ground to what little cover they could find.

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