Reaction to The Past

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Everyone was Relaxing as Kusho and Avalyn Arrived as Well as Chiyo But What Will Did Surprised Everyone.

Will:*Staring at His Father*You.......

Kusho:Yes.......It's Me,Son.

Will Remained Staring At his Father Until he Burst Into his Stage 3 Form as Well as Brought a Scythe and Charged At Him.


He Brought the Scythe down and Nearly Decapitated his Father,if he Hadn't Moved as the Father-Son Duo began Battling It Out Until Avalyn Smacked Both Her Husband and Son to Knock sense into the Two as Will explained Why he Did that.


Everyone(Except echo,Kusho & Avalyn):......Who's Bino?

Will deadpanned and Remembered that he Never Introduced them to Bino and Sighed before Explaining that in an Abridged version of it,Bino is A Pretty Powerful Version and he even has Kamen Rider Powers but they were cool.

(Y/n):Than....Why would he try to kill you?

Will sighed and Explained that it was Years before They Officially met and Became friends And for The Reason....He glared at his Father who Said the reason why....

Will:Ask Him!

Kusho sighed and Told them All the Reason Why he Sent Bino To Fight Will and Not Kill him.

Kusho:Back in the day...Bino and Myself Were Two Members of A Powerful Four Person Group Known as "The Kings of Unity"

They Were All Surprised By That Name but Will and Echo weren't as Much as They already knew this and Even knew their Feats.

Kusho:I wanted to Retire My Title as Void King and before You all say Anything about it being ironic since I Literally Am The Void,I already Know!Anyways,I Told Bino about this and said that I wanted him to fight my son to fight for my title.

Will was Shocked about what his Father Said...THAT'S Why Bino Attacked Him?!To See If He was Worthy Of Some Stupid Title?He Could've Cared Less About something Like That...Wait what about-

Before He could ask his Question,Someone else had another one.

Mina:Why didn't You Try To Give the Title to Chiyo?

Kusho:Like We Said Before,We lost Her and We didn't even know if she was Alive!

Will Decided To Bring His Question Into Light Now By Saying...

Will:Was Mom Okay with this?!

Immediately,Avalyn Rushed To her Son and Said this To him.

Avalyn:Of Course,Not!I asked Your Father if he was crazy for Trying to Make You fight to the death against the strongest King Of Unity Kings But Did He Listen?!

She Said and Raised her Voice As she Glared at her Husband who Shrunk while Nervously laughing.

Everyone:'Will has the Weirdest Family Ever'

Will sighed and Looked at His Parents Before Saying.

Will:I Get That But....

Avalyn:But what?

Will looked at everyone before Saying....

Will:I'm Gonna let Everyone see.

We open to see a Teenage Will who was busy reading a book and looking out the window when he heard Familiar whistles and look at the shadowy figure eyes widen and Immediately Runs as he has To Go find Echo

The Y/N Multiverse(Real World Reader) 3:Third's CharmWhere stories live. Discover now