Will's Family House

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Everyone was Bored again as Will,Echo,Baby Wyatt weren't here and neither Were The (L/n) Family or Team RWBY Or Team STRQ.

They were currently at Zero's Theater right Now but Unfortunately,They didn't Give the others anyone to use the screen,So....

Smg4 Mario:I'm Bored.

Yeah.....Everyone was Bored as Fuck!

They had nothing to do and Nothing to watch,Basically what happened before they were transported to The Battle Against Daraku.

Mario decides to do what he did last time by going and Getting Some Food and Eating It while,Asta gone to train but everyone else are Still Wondering what they should Do as It's STILL Boring but (Y/n)'s Girls have a certain thought.


This time,they know he didn't have a dangerous mission...So why?!Possibility:WILL!

Meanwhile in lightcero or Zero's Theater,Will and (Y/n) felt a chill go through their spines.

Will & (Y/n):'Why do i feel like I/Will Pissed off (Y/n)'s/My Girls'

*Back to the Theater*

Everyone decided to do many things and try to keep themselves occupied but Out of the blur,Mario found a button that said "Do not press"......you know he pressed it.

Smg4 Mario:

Everyone heard an alarm go off and Saw Mario pressed a button as they were marching towards him until...déjà Vu struck because A Ginormous Hole Appeared Below them And They All fell as they all screamed one thing..

Everyone:NOT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!

It was only 3 minutes but for them inside the area that they were falling in,It was THREE WEEKS!

And When they Finally landed,they saw a Large House but other than Size,it was a Normal House.

They looked around and entered it to see it was Actually empty as they wondered Who's house,This was.

Until they saw pictures with one of them being of a younger Will and Echo in wedding Outfits Smiling.

And another showed will at the Hospital smiling standing next to A tired Echo who was In a hospital bed wearing a Hospital gown and holding A newborn Wyatt.

Everyone except Avalyn and Kusho pale as through these two pictures alone,they realize.....This was Will & Echo's House!

(Bf/n):We gotta find a way back to the theater.

They all agreed but they decided to look around at the stuff in the house,first as Long as they Don't touch Anything ESPECIALLY Mario who is on a leash.

Smg4 Mario:

They all explored the house and Saw it really was Just A Normal House but with an Abnormal Size,They Looked at The Living Room and Saw the T.V. Was Left on with a Recording playing as Those from the real world recognized it,Immediately.

(Bf/n):Hey,isn't that-

TV:"Get Over Here!" Is filmed in front of a Live Studio audience.

Real World Characters:IT IS!

It's the Mortal Kombat Sitcom made by Dorkly on youtube Called " Get Over Here" Referencing Scorpion's catchphrase.

Smg4 felt the leash being pulled,So he pulled it back as mario was yanked back into the living room and whined that he was Hungry.

Smg4:We'll eat,Once we're in the theater.

Smg4 Mario:I'm Hungry,now!

Everyone sighs and Goes to the kitchen to see what Will and echo Stock up on.

They check the cabinets and it's all canned goods or stuff that needs to be cooked.

They check the fridge and saw some treats but Knowing Will....he Probably booby-Trapped it,the freezer has Lots of Meats and other frozen delights and the deep freezer is the same.

They sigh and check other rooms like they Found a Room with a Large Bed enough for More than One And A nice Atmosphere to it with dressers,next to the bed and Another door probably leading to a bathroom.

Akko:this is Probably Will & Echo's Room.

They left and looked in another Room and saw it had A Crip and was filled with lots of Baby toys,Play pin and a bouncer as well as the color blue.

Everyone:Wyatt's Room.

They looked everywhere and Saw a door that had a Warning on it and i read...


They all look at each other and enter the Room as they see it looks like A Room that would belong to a Tinkerer or Inventor but that can't be right....Right?

Izuku found something on a table and turned to the others.


They turn to the human Broccoli as he showed them what he found.

It was a Blueprint for a new weapon to help Zeta Prime and this isn't the only one.

There's Over Hundreds!Maybe Thousands!No,MILLIONS Of Blueprints in this Room and Will himself Determined to make them or He came up with all of them?

They Look at a Picture on the Counter as it Showed a Young Will smiling with his eye closed and one eye covered with an eyepatch as his teeth showed While His Master Smiles a Closed Mouth smile and had his hand on Will's head.

They felt their Heart warm up and Break apart at the same time that Will Is probably still hung over his Master's Death as His Parents Look down wishing they were there for him but were unable to be.

They Finally found a way back to the theater and Left the house as they prepared to head back but they looked back at the House and wondered.....

Everyone:'What else is Will hiding from Us?'

The Y/N Multiverse(Real World Reader) 3:Third's CharmWhere stories live. Discover now