Chiyo's New Look

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*Short Chapter*

Everyone was Chilling in the theater until Someone who hasn't been in the theater in Awhile Arrived but not in their normal form and with a New person.

Everyone was Chilling in the theater until Someone who hasn't been in the theater in Awhile Arrived but not in their normal form and with a New person

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It was Will's Twin Sister,Chiyo And She was In a form That looked Like Will's Stage 1 form But.....

Echo and Will:'A LOT more Revealing'

Yeah.....Everyone should know that Whenever he enters one of His stage Forms,He LITERALLY has Either Barely Any Skin Showing Or None at all,Seriously!

The other thing,Though is that Chiyo was holding a Baby and said Baby looked like a Cross between Herself and A Certain Scorpion Tailed Author God who's Last Name Rhymes with bead.

While The Theater Crew Was Shocked At either the Baby or Chiyo's Look,Will simply smiled and Tickled the baby.

Will:hey There,Jake!How's one of My Favorite Nephews?

The Baby Simply gives A laugh and Smiles at the affection from his Uncle as Chiyo Powers Down revealing A New look.

The Baby Simply gives A laugh and Smiles at the affection from his Uncle as Chiyo Powers Down revealing A New look

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The New look surprised A Lot of People But The rest of Kybete family aka Will and The Parents of Will and Chiyo.


Avalyn:Talk about a Wardrobe Change.

Kusho Simply nods at his Daughter's Choice of clothing.

Chiyo Simply Reveals that She Only Changed Her Outfit Because She Wanted People to stop Assuming She was younger than Will.

Chiyo:Me and Him Are The Same Age And Why?Because,We are TWINS!We Were Born at The Exact Same time!

Avalyn Confirmed that to be true but that was Mostly because in labor,They both came Out at The Same Time.

Mothers In theater Sympathized with her,Understanding That Kind of Pain Or Something Worse.

Chiyo:Anyway....I just Wanted everyone to meet My Son,Jake Creed And Yes!His Father is Tempest68,You Should've seen what Will Tried to do To him after he Heard That i was Pregnant.

Will simply Said One thing with his Normal Neutral Face and That was....

Will:I Almost Committed Ultimate Genocide as well as Make All of Tempest's Children,Fatherless.

The theater Crew pale and back away as Echo Sighs before Saying that they managed to Calm him down enough to where He wouldn't kill tempest.


??:You Can Try.

Everyone Else:AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!

They All Turn To see None other Than The Criminal Underworld King Author God,Himself....Tempest Creed.

Will:How the Fuck Did you get In here?!

Tempest said One thing To Will and That was....

Tempest:I'm Author God,Too!I Just Used The Power To Believe! 

There was A broken window with Broken Glass and A Crowbar on The Ground,Right behind him.

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