The world Without Me....

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*Inspired by The MHA Fanfic of the Same name on AO3,Link down below*

Will Pressed a Random Button and a New viewing Began and Little Did Any of them Know.....

They were in for a treat....

The clouds were dark and it was raining,a weather that is similar to what is happening now.

Sero:Oh man,Is this a sad one?

Sero asked as They tried to answer.



Will Said to just watch as the music is Oddly serious and Depressing.

Everybody was walking in a line, all wearing black clothing marching towards their destination.

Seeing Their On-Screen Counterparts Immediately Triggered Everyone as they Connected the dots.


Izuku:Someone died?!

Izuku yelled in shock as others spoke.

Akko:It can't be (Y/n).....right?

She asked but was Shushed as Ainz Said...

Ainz:Let's just watch.

They nodded as they continued to watch and hope for the Best with The one in question simply thinking.

(Y/n):'for the love of god,PLEASE Don't be me!'

Each step that they took felt like a huge weight to some people because with Each step was the emotions that came pouring all over again As Each step was an end.

Walker Manolio stood there walking aimlessly...

Chaos Class:WALKER?!

Izuku:Is he......Sad?

he was walking like he was in a trance, his eyes were empty. He looked in front of him and saw Some of his Classmates as Well as the (L/n) Family.

Mrs.(L/n) was crying and it was muffled,thanks to the rain but than again.....Who wouldn't cry?

He looked beside her and saw The rest of the (L/n) Family Comforting her as well as his Own mother who also had a tear here and there.

Everyone Got a bad feeling as They all Simultaneously Thought One thing.

Everyone:'Please,don't be Who I think it is.....'

And Then...He looked to his right and there It was....

Everyone Gasped at what they saw on screen with some Tearing At The Sight and others trying to Hold Back their Own tears.

it was....a Grave with One Name on it saying....

(Y/n) (L/n)

The Y/N Multiverse(Real World Reader) 3:Third's CharmWhere stories live. Discover now