relaxation it?

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Everyone relaxed but Not in a Good way as they took were sent back to their Time by Future Will and the others,So They Could Finish Off Daraku and his Goons Despite them Being Very Powerful.



F.Will:Just Go,Past Me!


F.Will:I said...GO!

He said as he blasted his past self and the rest of the Author gods of this Dark Future Sent everyone from the Past back.

*Flashback End*

Will went Outside and Looked up to the Sky as he wondered if his Future self is Okay and Managed to kill that Son of A Bitch,While Echo Comforted him in his Fear of Not Knowing.

With (Y/n),He wanted to be ready and To make Sure that He'll NEVER Become That Sick Bastard and Remembered There's Also His Future as Omni but The Wyatt of that Time doesn't seem to Even to Know his Codename or his Real Name.

(Y/n) Remains still and stays Like this as He remembered What his Fu-...Daraku Said About The Family That (Y/n) has.


Daraku was in Front of the (L/n) Family and Lovers of (Y/n) but Instead of Harming them,He Stared and said...

Daraku:No need to fear,I Do not Harm My family and Same Applies to my Beloved Wives.

(Y/n) and his girls blush after hearing that as (B/n) tried to attack Daraku but he Grabs his foot and...

Daraku:But I WILL Attack in self Defense.

He Throws (B/n) through The Remains Of The Shadow Box As The Family goes to their 2nd Eldest. 

(Y/n) looked at Daraku and Tried Punching Him but it had The Same Result as he was slammed against A wall. 

Daraku:As I Already Said,It's Over.

*Flashback end*

(Y/n):'I won't Ever Become Daraku'

With the ones that Became the Jaakuna of the Fuhai no seirei,They Were Stressed and Stayed Alone as they Wondered...Why did they Betray their Loved Ones,Why did they Do it Willing?Who else became a Jaakuna?What did They Do to people and most of all was The one that made them scared is...Did They Hurt Or Even,KILL Their Loved ones?

Everyone Else is Tending to their Wounds As The Attack In The Future Gave them an Insight on how Powerful an Enemy of Author Gods can Be as Well as Making Them Wonder If they should just Stay Here,HELL!Even Guys Like Natsu,Goku,Vegeta and Inosuke Don't Wanna Face Daraku again.

That's How bad it is and They Need To Rest Until they can Do Some Reactions,Again.

The Y/N Multiverse(Real World Reader) 3:Third's CharmWhere stories live. Discover now