O.R.C's Human

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Everyone Calmed Down after....That Fiasco and Will began to play the viewing that he was Going to from before.

Will:Now,This Is One That (Y/n) Isn't In.


the Viewing Began As It Showed The O.R.C's ClubRoom And The Whole Thing with Riser as She Shouted how She will Not Marry Him!

Issei:Oh yeah....That Whole thing.

Kiba:Brings Back memories.

Riser was About to do Something that Would End Badly But the door opened and Revealed (B/n) who simply saw his Clubmates in a meeting.

(B/n):Am I Interrupting something?

Riser was about to speak but Rias beat Him to the punch as she Explained that they were just Having a Meeting causing (B/n) to glare.

(B/n):So,You Left Me Out again?!

Everyone turned to Will for an Explanation on This Reality as He sighed and explained.

Will:(B/n) here is An Ordinary Teenager with No sacred Gear or Magic,Just a Normal Human That Joined The O.R.C. But was Unaware of it's True Purpose and As The Devils of The Club did Things That needed Him,they Had to Exclude him but he Felt that They did for a Different reason and was Annoyed until....

Will stopped at that keeping the suspense as Everyone was Annoyed At him.

Rias and The Others Wanted to Explain to (B/n) But They just Couldn't and Watch as Their Friend Walk Out thinking They were Leaving him Because they hated him.

Scene Changes To Riser Vs. Issei and Everything was Exactly The Same until one Part changed with (B/n) appearing Out of Nowhere In His Pajamas and Got Up to See Issei and Riser.

(L/n) Family:That's Awkward As Hell.

Kiba:Now,that's A wake-Up Call.

(B/n):The Fuck?

Riser threw Issei onto (B/n) as the two saw The Fire themed Devil Charge At them and Issei down as (B/n) did a Bro move by saying...

(B/n):Issei,Get Up!Get Up,Bro.

Inside Issei's Head,he felt as Though,he failed Rias and the others But soon,He heard (B/n) telling him to get Up as He Opens His Eyes to see The said Teen.

(B/n):C'mon,Issei!Get Up!

(B/n):Wow.....Issei's not Thinking with his Dick.

(Y/n):There is The Light Novel where He's Cool.

(B/n) nodded at what his Brother Said and Issei yelled at the Two Brothers that he Can hear them but....

(B/n) & (Y/n):We know.

It switched to soon switched To Rias And Than,His Parents and Than,he saw Everyone Chanting His Name as He Got Up and Stared At Riser.

Issei:Hey.....I didn't Hear No Bell.

Issei Rushes At Riser as (B/n) decided to Join him and The Two were Kicking His Ass as Ravel Went to stop them by Slapping (B/n) but...

He Slapped her Back.

(B/n):When A hoe slaps a bro,a Hoe Gets Slapped.

He looks her in the eyes and said....

(B/n):Fuck Your Brother,He wanted this and He's Got It!Be Grateful Or It's Gonna Be You Who'll Have A Pounding Next.

Ravel Blushes From Two Things,His Bravery.....And His Phrasing.

(B/n) and Issei Walk Away From Ravel and The Unconscious Riser as For Some Reason,they're In Slow motion.

(S/n):That's What you Call An ending.

The O.R.C Celebrated A Victory at A soda bar And They all Drank Til they Dropped.

Everyone laughed at the Last Scene Where it Showed The O.R.C Drunk From Pop but Gagged From seeing Issei dancing Drunk in His Underwear as Will came and Asked how they Like it.

They All actually Liked This One but Issei Didn't Like The Drunk Part For Obvious Reasons as Will Readied The Next one.

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