Theater on the Road

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*Short chapter*

Will Realized that with all the shirushi in the omniverse,he can't Just Wait for them to Come to him....He's gonna have to go to them.

He went to his audience and Nullified the dragon slayer's Motion Sickness and Asked them something...

Will:How would You guys feel if i said that.....I was Gonna....Go to the shirushi threat,Instead of Waiting for them.

They all explained that they wouldn't care and (Y/n) even himself agreed since Will's a Kamen Rider,he can't Just Wait for them to come to him.....he's gotta go to them.

(Y/n):But Riders Always Need a Ride!Ya know Kamen Rider.

Will:Already Covered For that Part.

He whistles and calls for His Rider Bike and What Came Was a Badass Bike that Looked like the Same Model Of bikes that Every Riders Used but the Design....

It Looked like if The Yin Yang Symbol was A Bike with one half Being Black And the other being White with the Front having the Yin Yang Symbol.

(An:This is Will's Rider bike)


Mondo:*Whistle*Now,That is what you Call a Bike?

(Y/n) agreed but Pulled out his Phone and asked....

(Y/n):Did you base your bike off a honda one like other Riders because it looks similar to this one.

(Y/n):Did you base your bike off a honda one like other Riders because it looks similar to this one

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Will sighs and simply says..

Will:Doesn't matter,Now....This bike is known as the Ikoraizā.


Will:You got a better name?

Everyone was about to speak but he shut them up and continued with what he was saying.

Will:Anyways,I'm Gonna Travel The Entire Omniverse Helping people and deal with Shirushi.

Asia:That's so nice.

(Y/n)[Sarcastic]:we'll all miss you.

Will decides Now is the time to drop his Truth bomb.

Will:You guys are Coming,Too.

This immediately stopped them from talking as they looked at the deity and said...


Will:Yeah....What did you think i was gonna do?just Leave my wife and infant son?Along with a bunch of Reckless mortals?No!

Yami puffs Out some smoke and says....

Yami:Not to be an ass but how the hell are you gonna get us all to go with you one Small bike.

Will:I Came prepared....

He pulls out a button and pressed it as everyone felt a shake As Echo came in and Asked what will did and he says that he did what he had to do...


He slams himself into a chair and stomps the ground as his Bike goes back to where it was before and A Steering wheel appears.


Everyone Tried to get out of their Seats but Couldn't as will made The Seatbelts With Child Safety Locks.



Many Of them Agreed and tried to get out Of their Seats as Will Put a Cap on said through an Intercom...

Will:Attention Passengers!This is Your Captain Speaking,Please Remain Calm as We Lift off and Begin our Journey...So sit back,Relax and Enjoy some of The In-Flight Entertainment.

He Stopped and Resumed flying with Echo and Baby Wyatt by his side as they Flew through the Vast And Endless Omniverse.

The Y/N Multiverse(Real World Reader) 3:Third's CharmWhere stories live. Discover now