A whole lot Cuter

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The ring was right there on my finger.
And he was right there with another girl.

I should be screaming and crying out loud, I should be ripping my engagement ring off and throwing it it the ground.

But instead I just sat there as silent tears streamed down my face. My knuckles were growing white on the steering wheel of my car as I watched them sit there. How could he do this. He was just sitting there laughing and kissing and- and being with her.

Dean, my dean. Highschool boyfriend dean. Took my virginity Dean. Fiancé Dean. Was cheating on me.

I had been gone ten minutes on my way to an event at my grandmother's when I realized I forgot my keys and had to turn around. And as I was pulling into my driveway, our driveway, that's when I saw them. Sitting there on our couch, in our house.

I closed my eyes, resting them for a second before I slowly reached down and pulled my engagement ring off, tossing it into the cupholder and pulling out of the driveway. My grandmother was going to have a fit if I was late to this party. It was another one of their lame ways of getting me matched with a "proper" boy, which I guess now wouldn't be so bad. At least that's what she told me.

I looked in the mirror, my eyes were all red and puffy unshed tears still shining in the corners as I tried to keep it together. I could wallow later, right now I needed to wipe off my face and reapply my mascara. It would all be over soon. Then I would come and quietly pack up my stuff and go to my mom's. She would hold me and tell me it would be alright.

And then I would have to find a house. Like I could find one for cheep enough anyway. I was broke. Dead broke. How could he do this to me knowing I don't have anywhere else either. I hate him. I hate him so much. All the more reason to go to this party then I guess.

I just had to make the rounds, and talk to all of the fake (real now) potential husbands. How bad could it be?

While I was driving I tried to block out everything I could about dean. So instead I thought about the looming event I was going to. My grandma was being quite weird about this she kept referring to a certain someone saying things like.

"Where your blue dress he- they will love that!" Or
"Rory make sure your not late you'll want to make a good impression on him- them!"

I wondered who this mystery guy was. Probably some boring- insufferable-cocky- no I couldn't think like that maybe he would be okay and I would be able to go on a date with him to make dean jealous.

As I thought about it I suddenly realized I was on the street and pulling into the driveway. I took a steadying breath and looked around.

Great, there was a car. A Porsche infact pulling out of the driveway. Which ment that he was here already. And rich. Great. It also meant it was only one guy. Huh. Another breath and I stepped out of my car. My eyes were still very red but hopefully no one would notice.

I walked up to the double French doors took yet another deep breath and knocked. To my surprise it wasn't Emily or the maid who opened the door. It was who I assumed was the guy. And my first thought was; He is exactly like I expected except a whole lot cuter.


Logan couldn't help but imagine what type of party it was he was being dragged to this time. Could it be business? No, that wasn't it partly because Mitchum wasn't wearing a fancy enough suit for that. Which means it was probably Yale Alumni, DAR, or maybe even a matching one (god forbid).

Logan watched outside trying to see if the street we turned down looked even somewhat familiar. Miraculously it did. He new this street and this house. It was the Gilmores! Logan had always like them more then some of the other friends of his parents, mostly because they weren't constantly cheating on each other and most of the time -note most- they seemed less out of touch then the rest of the Hartford nobility.

The car parked and he spoke up "So what Mom? Is this a dinner with the Gilmores? Or some other function?" He needed to prepare himself for when he got in there.

"Oh Ummm, it's a dinner of sorts with the Gilmores," Okay. Then why was she being so weird? Logan thought " And their Grand daughter Rory." She continued. So that was why, Sheira was trying to set him up with Rory Gilmore. Logan hated these types of dinners. Sat with a dull stuffy girl desperate to marry him and become part of the Huntzburger family.

"Well this will be absolutely delightful don't you think Mitchum?" Logan asked bringing his father into the conversation.

"That it will Logan, now it's best to not keep them waiting." Mitchum straightened his jacket and stepped out of the car with Sheira Following. Logan rolled his eyes and shook his head before getting out of the car and shutting the door behind him so the driver could drive away.

By the time he caught up to his "parents" the maid was already opening the door and taking his mother's coat.

"Richard and Emily are just in the living room!" The maid said gesturing around the corner and walking in that direction. The older Huntzburgers followed but Logan stayed behind sighing and shaking his head again. Rory wasn't here yet it sounded which was odd because usually they were so desperate that the girls would never be late.

Suddenly there was a knock and the door. He waited a second for the maid but didn't here her coming. Here we go. Logan thought as he reached to open the door. When he pulled it open what he saw was... Unexpected. And Beautiful.

Hiya! Sorry its soooo short but later on I might combine this part with another one lol

Omg I just realized this wasn't published lol so that's why it's late but the next part will either be out today or tomorrow cause it's almost done already haha please vote or comment if you like it cause I would really really appreciate it
P.s. with me begging for an update will probably work if u even want one tee-hee

Word count: 1,122

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