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     Rory was sobbing so hard it hurt. Her stomach clenched as she gagged, probably from the alcohol. Rory tried to breath, to calm down but It was just like the night she met Logan except he wasn't here this time. Though she couldn't help but wish he was. It was just his apparent best friends.

     The flood of tears flowing down Rory's face was neverending it seemed. The two boys tried to help but they were of no use to her sorrowful and drunken state. All they could do was lead her to her room.

     "Come on Rory. Getting some rest will help everything."

     "I just- nobody understands! I just want my mom but she won't talk to me." Rory wailed leaning heavily on Finn while Colin opened the door.

     "Do you want us to call someone?" Colin asked and Finn just stared at his friend worriedly.

     "Who?! Who can you call Colin? Who would understand having every thing taken away" Tears continued to flow down Rory's face. "Everything" she whispered softly and collapsed on her bed.

      As Rory drifted off she heard them talking.

     "What are you doing?" Colin whisper yelled.

     "Calling someone!" Finn responded.

     "Who?" Demanded Colin.

        Finn paused as if looking at Colin. "Someone who will understand." And then Rory fell asleep


     It was 1:00am when Logan got the call. His phone began to ring in the most annoying noise ever, which meant it was Finn. Sighing Logan answered it.

      "What." His voice was still rough with sleep.

      "Your fiance, Her name is Rory Gilmore isn't it?" Logan was shocked.

     "How did you-?"

     "Doesn't matter. Just get over here. Right. Now. You remember where we're staying right?" Finn was talking in a whispered tone as if someone was sleeping near him. Probably Colin or Louise.

     "Yeah but-" Logan started to say then got interrupted.

      "Great, get off your ass and come." Then Finn hung up.

     What the? Why is Finn being like this. It's one am on a Friday which means he probably drunk. But he sounded so serious which is not how Finn sounds. Ever.

     So, Logan did exactly what he said and got off his ass. He then got dressed and walked to his car.


     You can imagine Logan's surprise when he walks into Madeline and Louise's and immediately gets dragged into their guest bedroom where none other than Rory Gilmore was sleeping.

     "What is she doing here?!" Logan demanded.

     "She went to school with Madeline and Louise and we were just hanging out when Colin started telling her about you and she just burst into tears."

    "Hey you got her drunk." Colin defended himself. But, Logan was to concerned about Rory. In all of his check up messages she had said she was fine and home with her mom.

     "Guys stop! So now that I'm here what do you want me to do?" Logan looked at Finn since he's the one who called him.

     "Look Logan, shes our friend. And I just thought you could reassure her or something because you obviously haven't been much help."

   "Finn I-" Logan started but was interrupted.

     "No Logan I agree with Finn. Did you know her fiance was cheating on her? She found out the day she agreed to marry you!" Colin said. Logan was shocked. No, he hadn't known that. But it explained so much. Why her eyes had been Red, the engagement ring in her car, the dullness in her eyes when it seemed like they should be brighter.

     "She wasn't made for this like you were Logan!"  Finn was yelling now and Logan realized Rory was starting to stir. He then for some reason instinctively put his hand on her shoulder and rubbed her back. Colin stared at him like he had grown giant ears or something. But Finn was still ranting. "She was brought up different! She had choices! And I know it was hard for you Logan but, this is going to be so much harder for her! She's being stripped of everything!! And as her husband its your job to at least try and help!"

      "Shh!" Logan tried to keep Finn from waking up Rory but it was no use. He was with Dumb and Dumber.

     "YEAH BARE MINIMUM MAN!!" Cue dumber screaming as loud as possible.

     "Who- Colin? Was that you? Could you please shut u-" She stopped lecturing Colin when she saw Logan.

     "Logan!" Her eyebrows raised high as the sky. "What are you doing here?" She paused as if  waiting for an answer. Logan couldn't help but think she looked beautiful even with the red pillow marks lining her face. Then realization dawned on her. And she turned angry eyes to Finn.

      "You! You called him! Now why you you do that? I was drunk and you had no idea if he had anything to do with me! Well, I guess you probably called him and asked. Even then! What did you say? Oh God you probably told him everything! I mean you just had no right to do that Finn. Now As for you Colin!" Rory's talking speed reminded Logan of the story s he had heard about her mother.

      "Okay Rory enough of the Gilmore Rant I think we get it." Finn Stopped her from continuing what Logan realized was probably a regular rant.

     "Yeah and look I didn't have to come but, I think we need to talk. There's less than a month and a half until the wedding and we still have a lot to do. Also, I'm really sorry."

Heeey so here's another chapter! I appreciated the comments last times so much and thank you to everyone who is reading this story! I'm very Sorry that there isn't a schedule for my updating but 2-3 a month is my goal from now on because I'm a very mood- motivated writer but Yeah hope you enjoyed! Next chapter Will be almost entirely Rogan so look forward to that!!!

Word count: 1002 words


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