"God Lane get a bell."

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Rory's night had been restless at best. Tossing and turning. Tossing and turning. Finally she gave up trying to go back to sleep. Early bird gets the worm they say. Curiosity and perhaps a little bit of fascination led Rory to look up:
Logan Huntzberger on Google, various suggested searches popped up. Lots about his relationship status

Is Logan Huntzberger Married
Logan Huntzberger Current Girlfriend
Logan Huntzberger and Girlfriend Pictures

Rory clicked on the last one wondering if he was leaving a significant partner just like she was. To her not-very-surpise there were many pictures with many different girls from the last few months. What a jerk. Leading all of those girls on. Rory couldn't believe she was going to be stuck with him the rest of her life. He'd probably already cheated on her. Since that thought was depressing she moved on clicking through other results.

After cozying up on Lane's couch with a cup of fresh coffee she went on a certified deep dive even managing to find some articles he had written for the Yale Daily News and actually surprising this time they were good. Very good actually. She hated to admit it but some of them might have even been better then hers. More things Rory had found included even more girls, some arrest warrants and a lot of just informative articles about the Huntzberger family.

"Rory?" Lane said startling her.

"God Lane get a bell." Rory scolded scowling at he before quickly closing her computer.

"Sorry, years of living at the Kim house have given me a super human ability to walk quietly."

"Well that makes sense Mrs. Kim's hearing and really all of her sense reminded me of a blood hound." Rory remarked remembering how she used to be able to tell when she had eaten fast food before coming over.

"Yeah," Lane agreed before trailing off. "Well remember how I told you a few weeks ago that me and Dave had a big trip planned?" Rory nodded unsure where this was headed.

"Well today is the day we're supposed to leave." Lane finished explaining.

Rory's eyes widened "Oh crap Lane I'm so sorry I forgot yesterday was really hectic. Ill get out of here right now!"

"Oh no Rory you don't-"

"Nope really I'm leaving I'll just grab my clothes and my bag quick." Rory shoved everything in and rushed to the door. "Have fun on you trip Lane!"

"Wait Rory!" Lane tried to stop her but Rory wouldn't have it.

"Bye!" Rory slammed the door and leaned her head against it before beginning the walk back to her car down the flight of stairs.


When Rory's phone rang just as she was getting in her car she knew immediately who it was.

Holding the phone up to her ear she answered it, "Hi Mom."

"Please tell me this is a joke, I mean it must be right? Last time I heard you and Dean were getting married. Who's Logan? Is this a wrong address? It must not be because it says Rory Gilmore Right there on the wedding invitation."

"It's real. They set me up I have no choice mom."

"Rory there is always a choice." She tried to interrupt but her mom just continued. "I mean do you know how hard I worked to get you out of that world? Now you're just going to marry some guy I have no doubt you've never met before?"

"Mom just let me explain!"

"No Rory! God you really hurt me you know? You didn't even tell me I had to find out through the mail man. 'Hey I thought Rory was getting married to Dean' Well me to!" She impersonated Ed the mail man.

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