Beautiful, Stunning even

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     His face was an odd look of surprised and something else before quickly morphing into an annoying (and yet very cute) smirk.  He was a few inches taller then me and had warm brown eyes with blond hair. Something about him looked familiar but she couldn't put her finger on why.

     While she was studying him Rory couldn't help but panic a little, were me eyes still red? Could he tell I thought he was cute? What if-

     "Logan Huntzburger, I assume your the lovely Rory Gilmore?" Rory blinked, then blinked again. Logan Huntzburger!? He was the son and heir to probably the most influential person in the journalism field. She needed to think quick.

     "That would be me." Rory threw on a flirty smile and curtsied to him before taking his arm and handing her coat to the maid who had now arrived at the door.

     He was exactly what she expected though the last name was a bit of the surprise. Logan was heir to a billion dollar company. A company that owned the newspaper she worked at. Huntzberger Publishing Company owned hundreds of Newspapers all over the world. Just being at this dinner could give her one of the best connections possible in the journaling industry. Well, Rory doubted she could make a good impression if she said no to the marriage proposal. Infact it would make her career plummet.

     But how could she say yes? She's engaged! Actually,  Rory corrected herself, was engaged.

     As Rory and Logan neared the living room they heard snippets of the conversation going on between the elder Gilmore's and Huntzbergers.

"She will be just the push he's needed." A male voice Rory didn't recognize said. That must be Logan's father, which means- OMG Mitchum Huntzberger!

"And you will honor your end of the deal?" Richard questioned.

     Before Mitchum could respond Logan and Rory rounded the corner and Emily shot up.

     "Rory Welcome to the party! Logan, it's good to see you again." Emily said with a large smile that said she was up to something. Which of course Rory already knew.

  "Hi Grandma." Rory barely mumbled. She was still holding onto Logan's arm and now realized just how tight she was gripping it. Trying to relax a little the brunette loosened her grip a smiled a little.

  "It's so nice to see you again Emily, Your looking as radiant as ever." Logan used his free hand to rise Rory's grandmother's hand up to his lips and give it a kiss. Inside Rory rolled her eyes. False charm and cockyness was one thing she didn't like.

     "Please take a seat and I'll make your drinks." Richard spoke up, standing from his chair and moving towards the drink cart. Rory looked around the room and registered the fact that the only seats open were the small love seat. One that her and her mom could barely fit on together. Her and Logan would be constantly touching the whole evening. Wow they're trying even harder then they usually do get me to break it off with Dean and get a society wedding. Little did her grandparents know they didn't have to try anymore. She was going to do it all on her own.

    When Rory looked to her left she saw Logan glancing between her and the couch smirking. She bit the inside of her cheek to keep from saying something (and God forbid) impolite, before letting go of Logans arm and sitting on the very edge of the loveseat refusing to touch him.

     "So since it seems you to have already met there no need to introduce you but I am Shira and this is my husband Mitchum Huntzberger." Logan's mom Shira spoke up smiling a smile much like the one Emily wore.

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