Mr and Mrs Huntzberger the new Justin Timberlake and Brittney Spears

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     Logan wasn't blind. He saw the ring in the cupholder as he held Rory, and it made him all the more angry. How could they do this? Emily and Richard obviously knew that she had a Fiance. Then again, Logan hadn't noticed it earlier in the night and when she had walked into the house her eyes were red.

     Logan pulled away and pondered the idea of asking about the ring but took one look at Rory and decided against it.

   "I guess we should tell them." Rory sighed and leaned her head back against the seat. Logan stayed silent. She gasped. And Logan whipped his head around to her. "My mom's going to kill me. Oh my gosh oh my gosh. What if they make us go on fake dates or something? What if they make us have kids? I don't want to have kids with you Logan. Can we divorce? What if they don't let us. Are they going to make us move in with each other right away? What about-"

     "Ace?," Rory paused and looked at him with her big Bambi eyes, still red, "we both have questions but we need to get our story straight first. We both agree there is no other way right?" Rory nodded. Logan felt really bad for her and kind of guilty. He had known this was coming in a way for most of his life. It was easier for him to just accept it and become his father.

     Before Logan would be resistant in doing anything Mitchum asked but now? Bad things were going to start happening if he didn't go along with the "Dynastic plan" and he didn't have the protection of college anymore. No more excuses. He was going to have to start working. This marriage was clearly a final warning.

     "So we're going to have to tell them at some point right?" Rory asked with yet another defeated sigh.

     "I did leave them high and dry."

     "They're probably discussing china patterns for the wedding." She remarked

     "We'll be bigger news then Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston." Rory giggled at that and responded in turn.

     "Mr and Mrs Huntzberger the new Justin Timberlake and Brittney Spears!" They went on like that naming ever popular couple they knew.

     "Ummm what about? Oh nope did that one hmm..." Rory thought, Logan could tell she was trying to Delay the inevitable.

    "We might just have to go in there Ace." She simply but her lip a nodded. Silent for once as she opened the car door.

     Logan followed after her, opening the door for her when they reached the top of the immaculately carved steps.

     Everything was silent in the house while the couple slowly made their way through the foyer and into the family room.


     Rory distracted herself with any thoughts but the upcoming announcement as she and Logan made their way through the house. Most of her thoughts were about him right now, notably how he was actually quite entertaining.

     "Rory, Logan, It's good to have you back." Shira Huntzberger grinned (though it looked very forced to Rory) as the two took their seats.

     "Well? What have you decided?" Emily Gilmore was growing impatient and it made Rory think of her mother. Oh my God how she's definitely going to disown my. Rory cringed at the thought.

    When she finally looked up from her lap Logan was peering down at her with his eyebrows raised expectantly. Rory took a deep breath and then said the very last free sentence of her life.

     "We have decided, that we have no other choice, otherwise than to accept the marriage proposal." And suddenly the room was all smiles. Emily and Shira throwing themselves and their respective relatives. Mitchum and Richard toasting their scotches. And then came the talk of the wedding, When should it be? What's the theme? What should be served for food? And, Obviously they'd have to have an announcement party and go on dates and everything before hand to make it seem real.

     Through it all Rory and Logan sat silently regretting their choice but knowing they had no other option.


  After probably hours of questions and wedding discussions Rory and Logan said goodbye to their family's. Logan ever the gentleman as She had learned walked her to her car and opened the door for her.

     "Give me your phone quick." Rory said before getting in holding her hand out. Logan nodded and complied with the request while looking at her quizzically. She added her number to his contacts and gave it back to him.

     "So we can communicate. We are going to plan those dates and get married now." Logan cracked a grin as she said that.

     "I have been known to take girls on the best dates of their lives so didn't think you won't have a good time." Logan winked and Rory sat down in her car seat. He moved his hand to close the door but paused tilting his head and studying her intently. It gave her goosebumps.

      "Ace, I saw the engagement ring in the cup holder," Rory froze. "I'm not going to ask just," he stopped looking deep into her blue eyes with his brown ones. "Just know I'm here if you need anything okay?" And then he shut the door cracked one last smile at her and drove off.

This is a really short chapter and I had planned to write more but I just wanted to get another part out so this is how it's gonna be lol also I just started another Rogan story that I'm like basically half-way done with so feel free to check that out!

Word count: 953

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