But you've got that Huntzberger charm

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     The silence was deafening when Colin and Finn left. Rory could fell Logans eyes on her. As if surveying her for any damage his best friends may have caused. Seconds stretched into hours as Rory got into a sitting position.

      "Well have seat." Rory said, patting the seat next to her. "Let's talk." He looked at her, hesitation in his beautiful chocolate eyes. Then, he walked around the bed and took a seat.

     "First let's make an agreement of some sort. Rules to- to survive this marriage." He said averting his eyes and looking at his folded hands in his lap.

      "Okay I've actually thought a lot about this and I sort of made a list." She turned to grab a notepad from her bedside table. But, not quick enough that she didn't notice Logan's face break into a grin. "First, in private there will be no trying to seduce me or anything like that. Everything will be purely for show." Logan's smile dropped but he let her continue. "Second, anything surrounding my job will be earned, no promotions or anything unless I truly deserve it." His eyebrows raised and suddenly his brilliant grin was back. "And third, Any... Lovers. Will be completely in private and not around our house. Ever. Since I have no doubt you've already drowned your sorrows in a girl. And fourth no one but two friends and immediate family can know that we're not actually married."

      Logan considered her rules for a moment before speaking. "That all sounds... Agreeable but we can revisit those right. Make new ones, change them up and what not."

     "I suppose that makes sense. Now, anything else or can I go to bed."

      "We need to go on a some dates to make it believable remember this wedding will be televised. As I," he smirked "Am very famous."

     Rory giggled perhaps still a little drunk, perhaps just very tired.


     Logan discovered he liked that sound very much. She giggled and collapsed but down into a laying position except, they were no longer parallel. Instead she had rolled so her head was on his legs and her blue eyes sparkles up at him with laughter. He couldn't fathom anyone cheating on her. His smile dropped once again.

     "Ace, tell my about your fiance." Her smile dropped too and she began to fidget with Logan's hand. He gasped and tingles ran through him as she traced the lines of his palm. "He was my first ummm, everything and I sensed this rift kind of but I never- " She shook her head. "There were no signs Logan. I've gone through it again and again but nope none. He was everything to me for my whole life. It's just, hard and- I'm sorry I just can't." She stopped talking as tear flowed down her cheeks. Unwillingly the hand Rory wasn't clutching wiped her tears away.

      "Okay, then instead talk about you. We should get to know each other. We are getting married you know, which reminds my what's your ring size?"

     "5. And I love lists especially pro-con ones , I like being organized, I love to read." She was mesmerizing as she lay there. Her head on Logan's legs talking fondly about the things she loved.

     "What about food and drinks?" He asked wanting to know so he could start planning a date.

     "I don't really have a favorite food. As long as there's not to many fruits and vegetables or anything weird I'll eat it! As for drinks... Coffee. I love coffee I have at least like 6 cups a day which Luke says is not healthy but I think my body is used to it by now. Which reminds me I thought of one more rule."

     "Oh?" Logan asked and quirked his eyebrow up.

     "I must have coffee everyday in the morning. Otherwise I'll divorce you."

     Logan laughed out loud again but eventually responded. "Anything you want Ace."

     "Good."  She responded and sat there for a minute before yawning and then speaking again. "So was that enough info for you?"

     "No," He responded quite breathely. "Tell me more."

      And so she did. She talked until she fell asleep. Logan may have sat there for A little to long staring at her peaceful face.

     Eventually he moved her head back onto her pillow and left the room. When he arrived back into the common area Colin and Finn were waiting for him at the kitchen bar . No doubt waiting to ask some very nosy questions.

     "So that's her?" Colin asked, "She's going to be your wife?"

     "No shit Colin we've covered this already." Finn said never one to leave something wrong uncorrected, then he turned to Logan. "How is she? You were in there for a long time."

     "Right now? Good I think. She fell asleep after we talked a bit. Got some things sorted out."

     "That's good. How long did you guys talk?" This time it was Colin.

     "For about half an hour." Then Logan made his way to the bar and poured himself a drink.

     "Hold on a second mate. You were in there for an hour? Did you guys just sit in silence until she fell asleep or?"

     "No she fell asleep right after." Logan clarified feeling slightly embarrassed now.

     "Why did it take so long for you to come out here. Were you in the bathroom or something?" Collins words were accusatory.

      "No!" Logan claimed, "and I couldn't just leave her!" He could have just lied and said that yes, the bathroom was where he's been but, he found he wanted to tell his friends about Rory. Which was weird. Hed never found the need to tell anyone about a relationship before.

     "And why not?!" Finn demanded to know.

     "Because I couldn't move!" Logan exclaimed.

     "Again why not?" Colin asked the question this time.

     "Because she was sleeping on me!" Logan blew up and then looked down at his drink as his ears turned red. And, although he may have been embarrassed. He was also grinning from ear to ear. But his friends didn't see that.

     "You slept with her already?" Colin asked clearly impressed. "Damn from my impression she hated you. But you've got that Huntzberger charm." At that Logan whipped his head up at Colin and Finn started glaring at Logan.

     "Colin don't be an idiot. Of course he didn't. Right?" Finn said this in a way that made it sound like Logan better agree with him.

     "Of course not! God Colin is that really all you think of me?"

     "Why else would she be sleeping on you?" Colin was confused now. What a roller coaster of emotions.

     "Look we were sitting on her bed and talking then she laughed," Logan smiled. "And fell onto my legs. Then we talked and she fell asleep. That's it." Finn smirked.

     "Ha! Told you Colin. Your a complete idiot."

     "Yeah whatever," then he looked at Logan, "now what?"

     "Now I'm going to start planning our first date as an engaged couple." Logan smirked and rubbed his hands together. Making him look like some kind of evil genius.

Okay! That was it! I thought we needed some nice trio action and a cute Rory-Logan moment so I did the best I could! Hope you enjoyed and happy December!

Word count: 1224


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07 ⏰

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