Make it work

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Rory didn't think she could take anymore. She needed something solid something to support her before she collapsed so, she grabbed the nearest thing. Which happened to be Logan's hand. She couldn't see his reaction but she felt him immediately entwine their fings together as they looked back and forth between the elders.

"Well?" Logan said surprisingly calmly but Rory thought she detected a suppressed anger.

"We have decided," Emily took a deep breath before continuing. "That a marriage between the two of you would be the best thing possible for all part-" Before she could finish a loud crash echoed across the room coming from Rory's chair when it hit the ground meanwhile she fled out the front door.


Logan sat in shock as the grip on his hand disappeared. When he realized Rory was gone the shock disappeared and quickly was replaced with enragement.

Richard was saying something about going to get Rory but before he could Logan spoke up.

"Sit. Down. And leave her alone." His tone sounded dangerous and like the barrier keeping him from completely exploding was barely persisting. Richard sat down immediately and everyone except Mitchum looked over at him with wide eyes.

"Logan-" His father started

"Don't. You're all going to tell me exactly what is going on. And then, I going to find Rory, because none of you can could possibly know what to say to make her feel better. Mostly because you four are some of the most out of touch people I've ever met with no regard for either of our feelings or the preference we might have. You don't get to decide for us and it will be our judgment whether or not this is the best thing," Logan eyed the rest of group, "so go ahead and explain why you thought this absurd Idea was a good one." He finished. There was a silence before his mother began.

"Well you, Logan are very irresponsible and don't seem ready to take on the company so your father and I thought that a hard working girl like Rory would give you a push." Shira started before Mitchum continued.

"Rory could also use the connections to further her career," Mitchum tried to make it seem like he was doing this for anyone but himself or his company as he often did. "And marrying someone from a credible family like the Gilmore's would give you a boost in popularity."

The wedding would also be the perfect place to announce he was taking over the company Logan thought, trying to get ahead of them in this plan. He turned he gaze to the Gilmores.

"What about you? What reason could you possibly have to sell off you granddaughter." Richard winced but Emily stayed strong holding his gaze.

"Richards biggest insurance client just suffered from a big lawsuit and his business collapsed which means all that's left of Richards clients are small businesses which is not nearly enough to keep our company afloat, so, in exchange for Rory marrying you Mitchum is moving all of his businesses insurance over to us." She dared logan to disagree with her through her eyes.

"Great now I'm going to find Rory and if any of you follow me I will. Tell the press about this." Logan got up from his seat a turned to walk towards the door.

"Logan wait," he turned to look at his father, "If you don't agree there will be consequences regarding your trust fund. And well... something tells me Rory already knows what her career will be if she doesn't either." If Logan could set fire with his eyes Mitchum would have third degree burns. But he couldn't so he turned on his heel and left to follow Rory out the door.

When Logan exited the large manor he cast his gaze around looking for any signs of Rory. It didn't take long before he found her light blue car and saw her sitting in it. Normally he would just go to his friends explain the situation and get drunk on it it. But he and Rory were in the together, both of their lives were at stake. Plus it wasn't like Rory wanted to marry him. Maybe they could make it work.

Logan had his own reasons to, mainly that his parents would stop trying to set him up with insufferable girls, Rory at least seemed tolerable.

Before he could sike himself out Logan crept over to the passenger door and let himself in. What he saw made him feel unreasonably sad. Her gorgeous blue eyes were now even duller then before and they were red rimmed. And she still looked stunning even as she continued to sob into her steering wheel.


There was a storm. A raging crashing storm of emotion. An unrelenting rain of sadness. The thundering of anger. Quick and electric rushes of grief, grief for the life she should've had. Not chained down. She should be with Dean right now. And she would be if- if-. The storm became a hurricane complete with whirling tornadoes lifting and ripping memories from her brain.

She had been out here for to long already. Someone was going to come find her soon, they were going to put her in a cell and lock her life away. Rory put her face in her steering wheel again, gripping it tightly and trying to stop crying. Stop the thunder stop the rain stop the lightning. But the tornadoes would stay, ripping apart the memories of Dean. Breaking any feeling she had left.

Suddenly the car door opened but Rory couldn't bring herself to lift her head. She wanted her Grandmother to see what she had done. They say there for a few moments until Rory spoke.

"Go. Away. Grandma." She sniffed but kept her head down, hands now wrapping around her stomach. There was silence for a moment before someone spoke, someone who was not her grandma.

"They said 'a responsible girl like Rory will give you a push'" Logan sounded exactly like his mother and Rory let out a hysterical laugh. She lifted her head up and looked Logan in the eye expecting to find anger but instead found that stupid smirk. That stupid cute smirk. After a few seconds Logan leaned back in his chair and a defeated sigh rose from him lips. The smirk had disappeared.

"Why would they do this? It's probably some stupid reason like image or connections." Rory huffed and flopped back onto her seat. Logan turned his head to the side to look at her

"Quite the detective Ace," Rory rose her eyebrows at the nickname but said nothing. "I'll tell you their exact reasons and then... And then I have an offer for you." And he did. he told her all the exact details all of their reasons and Mitchum's threats. And when he finished Rory knew it was either Marry Logan or live off of her mom for the rest of her life. Tears pricked in her eyes again as she thought of her future.

"We have to do it" She told Logan, trying to sound brave and not at all like she was going to cry again. He looked at her in surprise.

"What?" She asked.

"I thought it would take more convincing then that. I mean this is insane they shouldn't be able to just sell off their family to the highest bidder."

"They did. And have to marry each other now. I mean I know you'd be fine probably living off of your stupid friends but I need a job. Money and he'll blacklist me if I don't, Logan-" He grabbed her hand startling her into stopping her ramble.

"I know, Ace believe me, I know. There will be a million consequences if we don't say yes. But I think maybe, we could make it work." Logan comforted her making circles with his thumb on her hand.

"Really?" She needed to be sure, needed to have a plan.

Logan nodded pulling her into a hug that she very much needed, and melted into. Staining his white shirt a little with mascara.

"This isn't a usual thing you know? Hugging people, so don't get used to it. But yes really."

Ha! Told you the next one was coming soon. So anyways comment or vote or whatever for the first ever quick update of my life! Starting on the next part rn so be ready!!!

Word count:1,418

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