| Lie |

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| Chapter 2 |

The gap opened and the two girls were thrown to the floor.
Miyeon fell on Nicha, their faces dangerously close.
Nicha opened her eyes and saw Miyeon.
A strange desire passed through the devil's mind, to wrap her arms around the other girl body, but she immediately dismissed that thought, violently moving the girl, causing her to fall to the floor.

"Aww." Miyeon exclaimed, from pain

Nicha ignored her and stood up, starting to walk away from her.

The brunette quickly got up off the floor and started following her once-beloved lover.

The Devil was fast and Miyeon couldn't reach her.

"Please wait for me, Min," Miyeon pleaded in terror, but Nicha continued to ignore her.

The two were in the limbo forest, a dark place with the sound of unknown creatures and the rustling of trees.

"Min!" Miyeon shouted once more.

Miyeon's step was slow, her breath short from the still aching wound.

Nicha turned to look at Angel with angry eyes.

"NEVER DARE TO CALL ME THAT AGAIN! I WILL NOT LISTEN TO YOUR REQUESTS, SO STOP BOSSING ME!" shouted Minnie, before turning to continue walking, away from Miyeon.

Tears filled Miyeon's eyes and she started sobbing.

Her Minne would never raise her voice, especially to her.

"W-Where's the nice, calm Minnie that I l-loved? Y-You really don't remember anything? Don't you remember m-me or our past? What did they do to you, Min?" Miyeon asked, crying and sobbing.

Nicha stopped and clenched her fists in anger.

"STOP THAT!" the devil yelled, before teleporting herself in front of Miyeon and grabbing her by her neck, slowly tightening her grip.

"Don't fool me, I know your Angels tricks." Nicha said.

"M-Min... w-what are you talking about?" Miyeon's breathing was heavy.

Due to the wound Nicha had given her and her hard grip, Miyeon's breath became increasingly short and heavy, making the angel weaker.

Nicha got even angrier hearing the girl's question, so she started to tighten her grip around her neck, thus making the brunette cough a couple of times.

"M-Min... y-you're hurting me... p-please remember me." Miyeon whispered as she tried as hard as possible to stay conscious.

Miyeon raised her arm and stroked the wrist of Minnie's hand that was on her neck.

The brunette's tears continued to trace her face, until one fell on Nicha's hand unlocking a brief memory in her mind.


"Yeon!" Nicha said, smiling and waving her hand in the air.

The two girls sat down on the grass. The brunette was sitting between Minnie's legs while she was hugging her from behind.

"I love you Yeon," Nicha whispered, kissing the girl's cheek.

The two looked into each other's eyes and the only sound that could be heard was their laughter.

End of Flashbacks

Nicha released her grip on Miyeon's neck, dropping her to her knees on the floor as she continued to cough and gently rub her neck to ease the pain.

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