| I Trust |

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| Chapter 3 |

Four days had already passed since the landing of the two girls in limbo.

Miyeon's condition was slowly improving, but she often had a very high fever due to her wound which often became infected.

Nicha was always by her side, ready to help her, never leaving her alone.

When Miyeon had a fever, Minnie stayed up all night to take care of her.

The two girls had started getting closer and Nicha felt more and more at ease with her, Miyeon showed her affection every day and Minnie felt she really knew her for much more than just four days.

Minnie and Miyeon had also agreed to sleep in the same room, albeit in separate beds.

Just like that morning, the two girls were in their beds.

Nicha slowly opened her eyes, getting used to the sunlight, before getting out of bed and heading towards Miyeon's who was still sound asleep.

Miyeon was sleeping on her left side, with her back to Minnie who moved closer to check her temperature, but in that instant, the brunette turned and their faces were inches apart, so close that their noses touched.

Nicha's heart started pounding.

Miyeon was still sleeping, while Nicha, in fear, ran away from the room.

When the Devil returned, she had in her hands a basin with the disinfectant inside, a cloth and some new gauze.

Entering the room, Minnie saw that Miyeon was awake, she was sitting on her bed with her back on the headboard, while she looked out the window.

"Oh! You are already awake? I thought you were still sleeping." Nicha said, catching Miyeon's attention who looked at her smiling.

Nicha approached the girl, placing the objects that she was holding on the bedside table, before bringing her hand to Miyeon's forehead to take her temperature.

"The fever is gone." Minnie stated, before sitting down on the bed and getting the washcloth and disinfectant.

"Lift up the dress." Minnie said, making Miyeon blush.

"W-What?!" the brunette asked, surprised.

"I need to change the gauze on the wound or it will get infected again." Minnie explained, looking at Miyeon who nodded.

Minnie helped Miyeon remove her dress, leaving the girl only in shorts.

The angel was embarrassed by the situation and immediately wrapped her arms around her breast.

Minnie leaned over to Miyeon, removing her old gauze before disinfecting the wound and covering it with new gauze.

The brunette continued to observe every action that the devil did.

Miyeon reached out and stroked Minnie's hair. The girl looked up in confusion.

"S-Sorry." Miyeon said, as she pulled her hand away, but Nicha blocked her and gave a kiss on it, making the angel blush.

Nicha blushed and quickly let go of Miyeon's hand, placed the objects inside the basin and left her room, leaving Miyeon alone.

After a few minutes the angel had finished dressing and was heading to the kitchen.

Once she arrived, Miyeon noticed the two plates on the table and smiled, remembering the old days, when she and Minnie used to eat together and Nicha would cook for her.

Miyeon sat and waited for the devil who, after a few seconds, arrived.

"You were waiting for me?" the devil asked shyly and Miyeon nodded.

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