| Maybe |

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| Chapter 5 |

🔞⚠️ Mature Content, read at your own risk.

Nicha was afraid to spend time with Miyeon and fall in love with her again and again.
The more the two loved each other, the more Minnie's fear grew.
Nicha didn't want to leave Miyeon, she loved her too much and surely, now that she had found her, she wouldn't have resisted even a single day in hell without her.
The Devil wanted to love the Angel freely, but she was trying as much as possible to get away from her, not to hurt her. Miyeon had told Minnie how hard it was for her when Nicha was captured and how sad she was.
Just the thought of Miyeon crying for hours or even years because of her broke her heart. Nicha couldn't stand it.
Minnie was increasingly afraid, she never felt adequate in Hell and, especially now, it would be impossible for her to return to that scary place.

Minnie was in her bed, she couldn't sleep without Miyeon curled up next to her, her arms warm and soft wrapped around her hips.
Because of Nicha's behavior, Miyeon had asked her to sleep separately.
Minnie has always suffered from insomnia and now that Miyeon was no longer by her side, she could never fall asleep.
Like tonight, Minnie kept moving in her bed to find the right position, but in vain, so she decided to get up.
Nicha looked at Miyeon, who was sleeping in her bed, and smiled bitterly.
Minnie walked over to the girl's bed and stroked her face, brushing a few strands of her hair away, before leaning down and giving her a long kiss on her lips.

"I love you Yeon." whispered Minnie, before leaving the room.

It was now 3 nights that Minnie couldn't sleep. Every night she went to the observatory and sat on the balcony wall to admire the moon and the stars, which emanated peace and silence.
While Nicha was looking at the stars, in her mind kept thinking about Miyeon and the cruelty of fate that bound them. The more she thought, the more her tears silently traced her face, until a sleepy voice interrupted her thoughts.

"Min?" Nicha didn't turn around, she didn't want to show her fragile side again.

"Min, what are you doing here? It's late and it's cold, come to sleep." Miyeon said, staying behind her.

The Devil could sense hatred in Miyeon's tone.

"She's mad..." Nicha thought.

Miyeon was angry with Nicha because of her behavior, but at the same time she was worried. Every night Minnie stayed out in the cold.
She knew that Minnie was doing it to give her space and also because of her insomnia.
The brunette felt guilty for having left Minnie alone, but it was Minnie who had left before her.

"I-I couldn't s-sleep." Minnie said, but her voice cracked.

"She's crying..." Miyeon thought.

The brunette took a few steps and hugged Minnie from behind her, rubbing her cheek against the girl's back.
Miyeon knew that Minnie suffered from insomnia, but she was so frustrated with Nicha's behavior that she tried to push her away too.
Every night Miyeon woke up and noticed that Minnie was not in her bed and when she tried to look for her, Minnie was always at the observatory while she admired the moon and the stars.
Despite her memory loss, Minnie had the same habits as before, like this one.
Miyeon loved to admire Nicha, while the latter was lost in thought and looking at the stars, but tonight Miyeon wanted to do something, she had to do it, it was their last night in limbo and she didn't know what would happen to them at their return, so she wanted to spend her last night in Nicha's arms and be by her side as much as possible.

"W-What are you doing still awake at this hour, Yeon? Did you have a bad dream?" Minnie asked, turning her head slightly.

Now Miyeon could see them, the still wet tear marks on Minnie's cheeks.
The sight of it broke her heart.
Nicha has never been one of those people who expresses her feelings in public, she always tends to lie about it.

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