| Lion | pt.1

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| Chapter 7 |

Time's up... Game Over...

Nicha and Miyeon's time in limbo was over and the two had to return to Heaven, with the constant fear of having to, once again, turn against each other or be separated.
The two girls were still naked under the sheets. After the night spent together the two were exhausted, but due to the strong fear, Nicha was unable to sleep.
It was early in the morning, Minnie couldn't help imagining the possible scenarios that would await them when they returned. The only thing she could do was hold Miyeon close to her, caress her, kiss her soft skin, feeling the heat of their pressed naked bodies.

"Yeon... Don't leave me, I don't think I can last without you over there. Let's stay here forever." the Devil whispered, crying and holding the sleeping Miyeon, being careful not to wake her up.

Nicha kissed Miyeon's forehead and her cheek, drawing a sweet smile on her lips. The brunette came closer, wrapping her arms lightly around Minnie's hips.

"Already awake, Min?" the brunette asked, yawning and slowly opening her eyes.

As soon as Miyeon looked up, their gazes locked.
The tear marks were still fresh on Minnie's cheeks, her eyes still red and bright, those eyes so big that they pierced her soul with a single glance and were lost now, so vulnerable and seeking help. .
Miyeon stroked her cheek and wiped her cheeks.

"Don't cry, Min...Please... like that you'll make me cry too." she whispered, bringing Nicha's face into the crook of her neck.

"S-Sorry, I tried to play cool, but... I'm scared of losing you, I think I'd die if that happens." Minnie murmured into the crook of her neck, wrapping her arms around the Angel's fragile body.

Miyeon shook her head and lifted Minnie's head from her chin, catching her lips in a soft, sweet kiss.
The brunette parted, kissing the tip of Nicha's nose, stroking her head.

"Shh...it's okay, don't bear the pain and fear alone, I'm here and we'll face it together. We will not allow any of this to happen." Miyeon whispered as she caressed her cheek.

The two remained embraced for the rest of the morning, until it was time to return to their world.
After a few hours the two girls were in the forest, sitting on a stone beside the lake, waiting for the moment to cross the gap.
Miyeon was sitting between Nicha's legs, while she gave her kisses and caresses on her shoulders, neck and lips, trying as much as possible to enjoy what could be their last moments together.

"I like it when you kiss me. I feel protected in your arms." Miyeon said, extending an arm and stroking Nicha's head, giving her a kiss on her lips.

"I like to hold you in my arms and love you." Minnie whispered in Angel's ear, kissing her earlobe.

The two remained silent, admiring the view and hearing the sounds of the forest, until the portal opened.

"Ready, Yeon?" Nicha asked, gently squeezing Miyeon's hand.

The two girls were standing in front of the portal, ready to go back to Heaven.
Nicha had a backpack on her shoulders containing the two books taken from the library and some food supplies with water.

"Of course." Miyeon replied.

"Yeon..." Nicha called as she stared into the gap. "Know that whatever happens there, I will love and protect you at any cost." she concluded, kissing her lips, before they both walked through the portal hand in hand with her.

The two were blinded by a strong light, before reopening their eyes and seeing the destruction before them.
Chaos reigned in Heaven and Angels and Devils were still fighting.
Looking around, Nicha noticed debris and broken glass next to their bare feet.

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