| Lion | pt.2

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| Chapter 8 |

The six girls were gathered in front of the entrance to the city, as they implemented a plan to stop the war and save the Devils.

"It's necessary to divide us into groups!" Nicha proposed "Me, Soyeon and Yuqi will go to stop the war and the Devils, Miyeon, Soojin and Shuhua, you will go and get the Divine Chalice."

Miyeon walked to Minnie and hugged her tightly, letting a few tears trace her face.

"M-Min, please be careful, if anything happens to you I..." Miyeon muttered, sobbing.

Nicha took Miyeon's face in her hands and wiped away her tears, leaving a kiss under her eyes, then one on the tip of her nose and then on her lips.

"Shh, don't cry Yeon... everything will be fine, soon it will be over and we can go back to normal like 1000 years ago." Nicha whispered, giving her one last kiss.

Miyeon remained embraced to Minnie for a few seconds, while the half-Devil continued to caress her head, before the Angel separated from her to join Soojin and Shuhua.

Nicha approached Soojin, placing a hand on her shoulder. The Devil turned to her and looked at her with a puzzled and worried look, when Minnie smiled bitterly, confirming her concerns.

"Jin..." Nicha murmured. Her voice trembled as she fought back the tears. "Can I speak to you privately?" Minnie asked, receiving a nod from the girl and a worried look from Miyeon, which she reassured with a smile and an "It's okay.", before walking away with the Devil.

Soojin and Minnie started walking away from the group of girls.

"Jin..." Minnie said, stopping. "Do you remember what my days in hell were like? When I couldn't find the sense of my presence there? Or when I didn't find my happiness in killing or torturing, like the other Devils did? When I told you that I felt an unfillable void inside of me and I shut myself up for days or years in my cave to draw a flower without interruption that everyone thought I was crazy for?" Soojin nodded sadly, remembering her friend's sad time.

"I found that flower, I found my Dahlia, I found the reason for my existence and I finally filled that void. Miyeon helped me find my happiness again, because that flower, that Dahlia was her and now I don't want to lose her anymore or see her sad for any reason. Her laughter makes me forget everything I've been through, it makes me forget about those sleepless nights and my incomprehensible dreams and that mysterious girl who appeared in them, calling me... it was her, it was our red thread trying to bring us together." Nicha explained, smiling broadly, surprising Soojin. "Jin, that's why I'm asking you a huge favor... protect her and take care of her, when I'm no longer by her side... take her to the sea for me, tell her stories for me, let her understand how much she is loved... for me. Please Jin... Swear to me." concluded Minnie, swallowing her tears again, trying not to arouse any suspicion.

Soojin couldn't understand why Nicha was making these requests, as if she couldn't save herself.

"I promise you, Min." Soojin stated, receiving a hug from Minnie.

"Jin, one last thing..." Nicha opened her backpack and took out a letter wrapped in a green envelope with a dahlia seal, handing it to the Devil. "Give this to Miyeon if anything happens to me."

"I'll do it".

"Thanks Jin." Minnie said, hugging the blonde. "Love Shuhua with all of yourself, Jin, don't let your fears hold you back." concluded Minnie, smiling. "Let's go?" Soojin nodded and the two went back to the others.

"You are back!" Yuqi said in her loud voice.

"It's time to go." Minnie said, approaching Miyeon.

"I love you, Yeon...forever." Nicha whispered, giving her one last kiss on the lips.

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