| Epilogue |

144 11 3

50 years later…

It was early in the morning, the house was silent, the two girls were still in their bedroom on the bed.
Nicha's eyes were closed, while her left hand caressed Miyeon's arm and her right hand caressed her head, while her lips were resting on the girl's forehead.
Miyeon was in Minnie's arms, her head resting on her soft breasts, their naked bodies warming each other under her sheets.
Miyeon was the only one still asleep, they had spent the previous night making love, she was very tired.
Nicha opened her eyes, moving Miyeon to the other side of the bed, pulling the blankets up over her shoulders and kissing her lips before she rolled off the bed and dressed.
Minnie headed to the kitchen, getting the ingredients to prepare a great breakfast for her lover.
Once the preparation of breakfast was finished, the black-haired Angel placed everything on a tray and headed towards their room, ready to wake up her beloved.
Entering the room, total darkness welcomed her, except for a small glimmer of light between the curtains.  
Minnie placed the tray on the bedside table, before heading to the windows and opening them, thus flooding the room with light.
Nicha approached Miyeon, lying down on the bed next to her, placing a hand on her cheek and starting to caress it.

“Yeon… wake up it's morning.” she whispered, before leaning down and kissing her forehead, continuing to caress her.

Miyeon smiled and slowly opened her eyes, meeting Minnie's loving gaze.

“Good morning, Min… did you sleep well?” murmured the brunette, lifting herself up slightly and sitting on her girlfriend's legs, before hiding her face in the crook of Nicha's neck.

“Not much, I had in my arms the most beautiful creature I could ever have seen in my life, it was impossible for me to fall asleep because I was too busy admiring her.”  Minnie said, giving a soft kiss on Miyeon's neck, making her laugh. "You? I assume you slept, since you woke up so late."

“Yes, I was so safe in your arms that nothing around me mattered anymore, but the two of us, with our naked bodies, embraced under the sheets, after a night filled with our love… isn't it perfect?” the brunette asked.

Nicha nodded, before approaching the girl, leaving only a few inches between their faces, placing a hand on her cheek.

“I love you Yeon,” she whispered, capturing the brunette's lips in a tender kiss.

“Me too,” Miyeon murmured, before pecking at Nicha's lips one last time.

“I made you breakfast, Yeon. Eat slowly, I'm going to prepare a hot bath for the two of us, I'll be right back."  Minnie said, kissing Miyeon's forehead.

The raven took the tray and gave it to Miyeon before leaving the room.
After a few minutes, the couple of girls were in the tub, Miyeon was sitting on Nicha's lap, while the latter embraced her.
The two were face to face, their breasts touching in their sweet embrace and Minnie couldn't stop herself from leaving kisses on the brunette’s neck, shoulders and cheeks, to express all her love.

“I love this…the two of us, in the tub, holding each other…” Minnie said kissing the girl's soft skin “I love you Yeon.” the raven continued, catching Miyeon's lips in hers.

After a few minutes Miyeon stopped and took Nicha's face in her hands, looking at her lovingly, while the raven had her eyes closed.

“Minnie-ah.” Miyeon said

“Hum?” Minnie opened her eyes and looked at her girlfriend.

“This moment reminds me of when we were in the limbo… just the two of us, when you still didn't remember me.” whispered the brunette, before kissing Nicha’s cheek.

“I still find it hard to believe what happened to us and the others 50 years ago.” said Minnie, pouting.

“That’s true, but we did it… together. I don't care about the past, the important thing is that now we are together and that we love each other even more than before." Miyeon whispered,before suddenly attacking Nicha's lips, surprising her.

The kiss was gentle, yet deep and passionate.
Nicha hugged Miyeon and pressed their bodies together, making her feel all of her love and her desire to protect her.
The brunette broke the kiss and looked at Nicha’s beautiful eyes.

"I love you Min." Miyeon whispered, caressing her cheeks with her thumbs.

Minnie took Miyeon’s face between her hands and kissed her eyelids, then her nose, then her cheek and her lips.

"I could stay in this tub with you forever, Yeon, still loving you with all my body and soul." whispered the raven, kissing the girl one more time.

It was afternoon and the two girls were on their way to the Garden of the Gods.
Along the way Nicha saw a Dahlia, walked up to it and smelled it.

"The Dahlia… is the symbol that characterizes our relationship. Thanks to the memory of it that I began to believe your words. Thank you for not giving up, Yeon, even when I hurt and yelled you in the forest." Nicha said, hugging the brunette.

"You saved me in that forest, you didn't abandon me there with those monsters, you cured me and you stayed by my side, even if for you we were enemies."  Miyeon answered, taking Nicha's face in her hands. "Thanks for always sticking with me, Min."  she whispered, capturing Minnie's lips in a tender kiss.

As the two kissed, Yuqi's loud voice was heard in the distance.


The two broke the kiss, looking in the brunette's direction, noting the other three girls behind her.
The group was complete, no one was missing and finally they were reunited.
The girls spent the evening on a hill, reminiscing about old moments, especially those of their meeting.
Their friendship remained in history, one of a kind.

The End 

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