3. The dream |PRISON AU|

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I waked up, sweating badly. Nobody was awake, at least I don't have this problem. My mind is fucked up. I just have a dream- no it was a nightmare. There's no way this was a dream. So I had this "thing", and of course he was in it. It was black, I could only see a bright purple light. I'm blushing like crazy. What the fuck was that. What the hell is my body doing. I feel so hot. It's so weird actually. So yes, for the first time, I had a wet dream, about me and Axe. AAAAHHHH. I knew I was fucked up but not that much! I looked down to just see my death. Shit. I quickly got rid of this problem, hoping for nobody to wake up. For once in my life, I had luck and everybody were still sleeping. I got back to my place but I couldn't sleep anymore. Everytime I tried, I was just seeing back this images. And now I feel nervous of when he's gonna wake up. How can I look at him in the eyes after that. I stayed awake, feeling ashamed of what happened, and I was lost in my thoughs.

The other were starting to wake up. I faked sleeping, because I didn't want to be asked questions. I felt the other in the bed getting up. I don't know if it's a good thing or if it's worse than a nightmare. I sit and put my skull in my hands, wondering how could this be worse. What did I do to God for him to hate me. Oh yeah, right, I don't believe in him and I'm a satanist. It makes a bit of sens. I felt eyes on me, I couldn't look at him. Not for now, so I'm just gonna ignore him I guess. Yes, I'm a genius, I'm sure my plan couldn't go wrong.

Fuck, the guards were already there. Weird, why are we going to the playground right now? Well, I won't complain. I like the fresh air. I got in my corner and I felt someone coming toward me. Nah, fuck this shit I'm out. I teleported away, next to our Lord. They may not seems the most friendly but they're not that bad.

L -  What the fuck?

M - Great to see you too I guess.

L - Did you really runned away from Axe?

M - Yup and I still don't give a fuck about it.

L - Yeah sure, "Bitchy-boy".

M - Oh please, don't call me like that anymore.

L - Why, I like it lmao.

M - Stop or I'll call you "tentacles senpai".

L - Oh hell no-

We both were laughing about our dumb nicknames that the clan gived us. And of course, we did the same for their nicknames too. Tears were forming in the corner of my eyes as I was trying to keep my balance. I was laughing so bad I though I was gonna die. I coughed a bit before taking my breath again. They did the same. Sadly it was the end of our times outside. Well, it was fun at least. We both have a shitty humour so we were making dumb jokes about them. We went back to our "homes". I sit on the bed and waited, I couldn't do anything else. I felt eyes on me again. Damn I feel like a star. I looked back at Axe, only to see him starring at me with anger in his eyes. Heh, not my problem. And it was the worst time of living here again.

We were escorted to the showers once again. As usually I kept my mask, and put my towel around my waist. And I went to Kokain.

M - So, got anything?

K - Of course I have, who do you think am I? Here, take this.

They handed me a joint and a lighter.

M - Thanks Kokain!

They got in their shower as I hide the rewards in my jacket, before going into my shower. I started washing myself, the hot water felt so fucking great on my tired bones. I relaxed here for a moment. I opened my eyes, feeling like something bad's going to happen to me. I got pinned on the wall. See? Called it. This wall is not that bad, but it's not the most confortable one either.

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