:PartTwo:Dammed Air Travel:

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I've always hated god dammed flying(Abdullah moaned as he flung his duffle bag over his shoulder and walked onto the Cargo plane)

Don't be such a hard ass Abi! (Müslüm said grinning as he gently slapped his neck walking past him and slinging his back on the chair)

Do that again and I'll beat your ass till you the only thing you'll be operating is a life support machine! (Abdullah yelled as he lunged at Müslüm who dodged him easily)

BEYLER!  (Turgut yelled as he climbed inside of the plane and stared his two crew members down) You'd all better be on your best behavior, And i swear to allah you start shit for no reason and I'll rip Your asses limb to limb(He smirked and mocked saluted. He flung his back over into the corner)
Eh anyway i hope your all ready for the goddammed jet lag and culture shock(Turgut says sitting down and pulling out a book about Japanese history and culture) Also sleeping may be a good idea since we get there at 7AM, according to the mareşal we'll be getting uniforms and student ID's when we get to the actual school although i don't know where we're staying.

Great(Hassan mumbled) you think there be any cu-

I swear Hassan we haven't even taken off and you're already trying to get at it(Adem groaned) Just keep to yourself you ass.

(As the men began bickering the plane takes off for Japan)

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