:Part Six:ah Yes Panzers

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Sorry for the delay got caught up with exam study and i caught a fricking stomach infection so that's great lol. also i never did add Hana and Saiori meeting Miho so just presume they met and also presume Saiori isn't being a weirdo towards Müslüm cause plot reasons(I'll probably add that eventually just idk when lol) Ask me to meny questions and I'll leak ur ip.

Okay so we just like go out and look around for tanks then? (Groans Miho)

Yes yes you do(Mutters anzu)

Well great let's get going then(Says Miho as she gets Saiori and Hana to follow her) we'll find something eventually i hope. Wait Müslüm are you coming with us? (She yells back)

No sorry! (He yells waving) ours is being air dropped by the Air force soon!

Wait a sec girls(Miho says as she runs over to Müslüm) he-hey Müslüman can i uh get yo-your number? (She mumbles nervously hiding her face)

Oh uhh of-of Course(He says blushing aswell as he tells writes his number down and hands her it) Uh call if you nee-need anything. (He says staring at the floor)

Of course and uh thank you(She says running off back to Saiori and Hana)

I'm so telling your dad when he gets back from deployment(Adem smugly whispers in Müslüms ear)

Man fuck you you'll give me a heart attack if you do that shit again! (Shouts Müslüm as he swings his elbow into Adems stomach)

Hng--Oruspucu(Adem moans as he falls to the floor holding his stomach)
[Oruspucu very roughly translates to son if a whore/Bastards son]

---This timeskip was brought to you by NordVPN---

Great we've found about 3 tanks what we're they again Yukari? (Miho says pulling out a pen and clipboard)

A Panzerkampfwagon IV
A Panzer 38Czech(Idk i forgor the name but it's the really fast light tank from Czechoslovakia)
And a M3 Lee/Grant!

Great we should tell the others so they can get them dragged to the club hq(She says putting away her clipboard and getting the girls to follow here)

Yes ma'm! (Yells Hana saiori and Yukarı)

---snap back to the boys---

Maybe getting the air force to drop the tank was stupid(Groaned Turgut as he went over the damage to the tank)

Yeah i didn't think that being dropped with a parachute would be that bad(Mutters Abdullah as he begins repairing the tracks with Turgut)

So what the fuck do we do? (the other 3 men ask)

I don't know maybe check your stations are working you pack of morons! (shouts Turgut frustratedly) Oh and by the way Hasan uh go ask the shouty fucker with the monocle where we can find some shells.

Yes sir!

(Hassan walks over to eye piece)

Uh excuse me ma'm uh do you have any idea where i can find some ammunition for my tank? (He says as she turns to him)

How the hell I'm i supposed to know(She snaps at him meer inches from his face)

Fucking hell i was only asking(He says as he begins walking away from here mumbling about her in turkish)

He-hey uh wait(she says as she runs over to him and places her hand on his shoulder)
Loo-look I'm sorry I'm just really bad with talking to other people you know(She says passing him a key) That shed over there labeled ammunition should have some(She says)

Oh alright uh thanks and apology accepted ma'm(He says he pats her shoulder and walks over to the shed)

Huh odd girl.

---Müslüms Pov---

Sir everything works well it seems only the tracks were fucked(he says as he runs up to Turgut) Anything else i can do boss man?

Nah your good. Maybe you should go get your girlfriend some flowers(He says under His breath)

HE HAS A FUCKING GIRLFRIEND ALREADY? (Yells Abdullah shocked as he gets up from under the tank)

She's not my girl friend she's just my friend(Says Müslüm rolling his eyes)

Heh bullshit you fucking player(He says laughing as he goes back to fixing his transmission)

But i might go find her and see if she needs help with her tank(He says jogging off)

(Turgut and Abdullah smirk at each other and crack jokes about Müslüm and Miho)

Fuck idk where she is i should pro-(Müslüms phone starts ringing)
Selam aleyküm.

Uh what? (Stammers Miho)

Oh it's you Miho what's up you need something?

Well yes actually we've found our tank but we need to fix up and repair them, think you can help us?

Of course i can just uh where are you?

The 3rd tank shed.

Okay be there asap bye.


Huh turns out i was outside(He yells as Miho turns around and notices him)

Ah good so you mind helping us brush off the mold or whatever this is

I suppose i could. Wait who's that?
(he says pointing at Yukarı)

Oh that's our newest member Yukari(She says) she's kinda weird but she seems alright

Okay then her names kind funny though(Müslüm says laughing a little)

How come?

Yukarı is Türkish for up so it's just odd hearing it in a different way.

Okay then.

Anyway better get to tank shit then! (He says running off to clean) oh wait Miho take my jacket will you(He says taking off his jacket and giving it to her He has a vest on don't panic)

Oh okay uh (She says blushing)

[I would write more but 1 i have no idea what more to add and 2 im working on making a drawing of the boys tank so uh yeah]

Also next part will be about the practice match and maybe the very start of the St. Gloriana match which idk how well I'll write lol God help you if you're still reading my shitty fanfic lol)

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