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[FYI Yardımcı basically means Axillary or aid]

"Commander I'd like to talk about Our battle plan just once more."Turgut sighed as He leaned against the table resting his fists on it.
"I know I belive it's heavily flawed as well but... The council won't let me change it. I suppose it'll be down to skill and luck?" Miho said hopefully.
"Trust Me if it's down to that We're screwed beyond belief. The only crews i can Trust is Yours My own and the Stug iii's crew. I doubt the Czech38 and the Lee will do any good" Turgut groaned as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "Look. We're only here as helpers so just tell me what to do and I'll go ahead and help You." Turgut said as He stared up at Miho.
"Right. Me and My crew will Recon here" Miho said pointing at a blotch on the map. "And Your crew will be aiding us there. I'd like you to help us do some Recon and cover us if necessary." She said moving the Plastic tanks on the map. "After that we'll peel off back to the ambush and bombard them. If worse comes to worse we'll fall back to the town and fight our hardest there."She said.
"Right. I suppose that'll do. I'll go get in My tank and wait for the whistle with You."
He said as he saluted and walked out.


"Oh here We go again!"
"This ain't gonna be good"
"May Allah save us all gentlemen"
As the whistle blew Miho and Turgut's tanks began rushing across the hills.
"Kangal team calling Angler team. Over. "
"Hey Kangal Team!"
"Status report. Over."
"Status what?" Saiori muttered blankly as Yukari yelled at Her.
"Oh uh status good over!"
"Confirmed. Over" Turgut sighed and mumbled at Adem. "This makes me miss the Rookies back at home."
Adem simply laughed at him as the tank steamed ahead.
The Kangal followed Miho for what seemed like ages with no enemy contact. All of a sudden Miho's Tank stopped at neck breaking speed.
"Angler fish is everything okay Over?"
"All good Kangal we nearly drove over the cliff"
"Oh..... Well done?. Over"
Turgut hoped out of the tank and grabbed the Binoculars from around his neck and looked down the cliff. At first he saw nothing. Nothing still but. "Sir 20 Kilometers northeast!" Adem yelled prompting Turgut and Miho to check and of course there was about 8 Tanks driving along.
"Great report their positions to base!" Turgut shouted at Adem who ran back to the tank and grabbed the radio. He tried talking for about 30 seconds before slamming the speaker back into receiver. "They aren't responding!" He yelled frustratedly "I'll retry in a second You keep doing recon sir!"
"Right" Turgut sighed as he watched on. He peered at Gordon's tank. He was calm watching his friend drive ahead until he noticed the turret swing in His direction and Gordon's Radio op swung the hatch open and waved. "OH SHI-!" Turgut yelled "QUICK GET BACK IN THE TANKS!" He yelled at the others who rushed in as a hail of Shells flung at them. "Adem keep trying to get through to base! Abdullah gun it and get us moving Hassan get Müslim has ammo to fire and Müslim try and fire smokes!" Turgut yelled as he jumped into tank. "Yes Sir!" The men yelled in Unison as they began their respective tasks. Turgut grabbed his Personal Radio and began fumbling with it. "Miho are you there?" He practically yelled down the mouth piece.
"Miho do You read Over!"
"Yes yes We're here!" She said frantically "We're in good condition but You've been hit in the rear. It looks like You're leaking fuel. Over"
"Thanks Miho. Over. Right gentlemen We're leaking fuel when ever we can we'll need to patch it or we'll be sitting ducks. We should be fine for now so just stay focused!" Turgut shouted out as he swung the hatch open and looked over at the British tanks. Miho and Turgut were only about half a Kilometer from the main defensive position and the enemy were gaining on them.
" Sir I got to base!" Adem said enthusiastically. "Great what did they say?"
"Uhmm well go look up at the base." He said nervously.
"Oh for the Love of Mustafa Kemal." He faceplamed. "Müslim. Fire a shot up at our allies to wake the lazy scum up" Turgut said coldly. Müslim aimed the gun up at the base and fired a round at the Lee just missing the turret. It was enough for everyone to scramble off of their sun chairs and start booking it to their tanks.
"Thanks." He sighed. As the Tanks began climbing up the hill Turgut watched closely at the brits. By the time they'd reached the top of the hill most of the allied tanks were barely ready to begin firing. To Turgut and Miho's horror all tanks outside of the Stug missed their shots.
"We're screwed." Turgut mumbled under his collar. "Miho permission to order fallback"
"Granted" She yelped through the receiver.
Turgut spat out of the side of the tank and placed the speaker to his mouth. "Attention all Allied tanks fall back to the Town. Repeat all Allied tanks fall back to the Town. Over" He said calmly before placing the radio down.
"If only we were allowed our machine gun. You'd mow through these goons like mesh sir" Adem laughed softly. Turgut simply patted his shoulder and chuckled.
"Sir we have an issue." Abdullah groaned. "Fuel gage is bingo We have about a dozen yards worth left." He said tapping the fuel gage.
"Allah Allah.... Right Abdullah park us there we're gonna hold them off for as long as possible." Turgut sighed as the tank grinded to a halt. "Müslim You know what to do." He said as Müslim turned His gun at the British Cruiser tanks. He mulled over the trigger before squeezing it blasting a shot off at a Tank sending it flying into a nearby rock. "Hit." He said coldly. Hassan quickly loaded another round in as Müslim turned over to the next Cruiser. "Loaded!" Hassan shouted as he clicked the hatch shut.
Müslim aimed at The tank shooting it's wheels forcing it to twist into a nearby Tank wedging it between a rock and itself.
"One shot two kills. Perfection." He laughed it himself.
Hassan quickly loaded another shell in. He didn't even call out the command before Müslim had aimed the gun at Gordon's Tank. "The flying Scotsman Flys no more" He chuckled as he squeezed the trigger and fired a round into Gordon's side blowing the tank onto its side as a massive puff of black smoke shot out of the side and a small white flag popped up.
Just as the men were about to celebrate several shots slammed into the turret. Turgut and adem fell off their seats and banged into Hassan who'd just loaded another round. Müslim aimed at Darjeeling's Matilda and fired barely missing the engine as another round hit the gun
Adem grabbed the Radio and yelled "FOR THE REPUBLIC!" As Müslim's shot fired out and two more rounds hit the engine and their flag shot out.
"Damm it all to hell."Turgut sighed as he swung the hatch open and climbed out. When He saw the damage they'd caused he grinned. "Gents we've done good work. Let's just hope Miho and the others can do their part." He said.
The British tanks continued charging after the Oorai tanks. Turgut and the others simply sighed and watched on.
"OI YA PRICK!" Gordon's furious gunner ran up and gently headbutted Turgut in the chest.
"Oh hi Jamie" Turgut laughed as he fell onto a pile of rocks. "DINNY YOU EVER DAE THAT AGIN YA FUCKING FUDGE PACKING WANKSTAIN!" She shouted at him.
"Oh come on Jamie.... It's revenge for that time in Kiev." He chuckled as he dusted himself off and gently shoved Jamie. "Plus you're the enemy of course we'll shoot you."
"Wanker." She pouted and stormed off to Gordon and Turgut's crew.
"Care for a cigarette?" Gordon said groggily passing a Cigarette to Turgut.
"No thanks." Turgut mumbled as he tapped his hand away.
"It dosny feel right don't it?" He mumbled as He light up his cigarette and took a drag.
"No it doesn't feel right fighting each other again. But who are We to argue." Turgut said as he squatted next to his tank and lent his head against it. "You know... I've been thinking. We're both from Europe but are We the only ones?" Turgut asked shifting his gaze to Gordon.
"Not at all. Pravda has that arsehole Vladislav from Volgagrad. Those Neo nazis have Karl that up shot kid from Bonn. If i remember correctly Saunders has Cooper, do You remember him that funny little hillbilly from like Louisian?"
"That sweet guy who always talked about how much he loved his Mama and the red white and blue?"
"That's the guy. He's there and if Jaime is to be trusted Vito and Luka are at Anzio."
"Oh the Christiano twins. Great" Turgut sighed. He emptied his flask.

"All participants Your attention please. The Oorai flag tank has been destroyed. The match has been concluded in the favor of St. Glorriana's all Girls school."

"Daşak." Turgut muttered under his breath.
"Good game Turg. I'll go rally the crew and get away with the clean up crews."
"You to Gordon."He sighed and walked over to his crew.
" We did our best gentlemen it never mattered. Don't be disheartened by this. This is a defeat that shall fuel countless victories in the tournament. For the Republic!"Turgut finished his mini speech and His men cheered. They began singing away to each other as the clean up trucks arrived.

(btw daşak means balls)

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