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"Miho! How are you? After the battle and all" Turgut and his crew rushed over to the Panzer IV crew.
"I mean the loss is bitter but we did okay. Although we have a small issue." Miho said sheepishly as she gulped and tugged at her collar. "We have to do the Anglerfish dance."
"The anglerfish dance?"
Miho pulled out five anglerfish costumes and passed them over to Turgut and his crew.
"We have to wear these and dance throughout the town."
Turgut loosened his tie and tipped his cap. "I'm going to skin the student council alive" He grumbled as he turned around and commanded his men to follow.

---The scene uwu---

"Sir its to tight!" Adem whined. You could see his abs protuding out of the latex.
"Mines just fine." Müslim laughed. His was less tight due to him being a lightweight.
"I feel as if I'm going to be laughed at." Abdullah muttered. His pot belly was poking through the suit.
"I mean will the girls swoon for me?" Hassan chuckled as he pointed at his which was fairly tight around the ass. "Probably not" Turgut groaned as He walked out. His suit was so tight you could see the chest hairs on him and the outline of every muscle was noticeable. "I swear I'm gonna make those lousy slackers get their due." Turgut said as he put the top half on his head. "Lets go gents. And remember no fishy business."

---30 seconds later---

"I REGRET THIS!" Adem yelped as he and the others began dancing. He could feel the suit tearing at his arms.
Turgut went along with it however he looked like he wanted to die.
Müslim was next to Miho and was laughing at her embarrassed face. "Sir i can't do this" Hassan whined. Sweat was dripping from his face and his legs ached. "Honestly this is more humiliating than when We were defeated by Istanbul." Hassan groaned.

---Idk how to write this so I'll do more later---

Turgut Müslim and Yukarı were sitting in the Kangal slowly driving outside of the Student sleeping quarters.
"Sargent Oddball aim."
"In position."
"FIRE!" Turgut yelled as Yukari fired a blank just above the student dorms.
Turgut picked up His radio that was connected to the Student P.A
"Attention! All Oorai Senshadao students. You have eight minutes to get into Your uniforms and present to Commander Nishizumi and Myself for an highly important announcement. Dismissed."
He said as he clicked the Radio off and hopped out of the Tank to stand by with Miho and the others.
He was watching very closely at his watch. Watching every second tick by until Erwin and the Stug iii's crew rushed out and stood at attention in their uniforms.
Four minutes passed and half of the Lee's crew had appeared.
It took about 2 minutes after the deadline for the student council and the other teams to appear.
"YOU THERE!" He yelled out at the late Girls.
"Just this once I shall tolerate such insubordination and latency. If i catch you even a parsec late again i shall have you removed from the team. Even You three" He said pointing at Anzu Momo and Yuzu.
"Now stand at attention. Everyone Your full attention!" Turgut yelled out as he stood atop the Kangal.
"It has become apparent to me and commander Nishizumi that You lack sufficient training, discipline, and knowledge. In order to straighten out every dent and kink in the system We have came up with new rules. The ridiculous paint jobs You have soiled Your tanks in are to be stripped and replaced with effective camouflage.
The tanks must be cleaned and have sufficient maintenance preformed before every match. No exceptions!
All commands are to be followed to the letter unless You belive it shall put You and Your crew in danger.
No breaks. If i catch anyone taking out sun loungers or any kind of behavior that may put us at the disadvantage I shall have you stripped of your rank and position and booted from the team." Turgut said very sternly as stared into the souls of every crew member.
"Orders are allowed to be questioned and you have a voice. But i do not want that mistaken for weakness or Insubordination. Any sign of undue disrespect and it shall result in a demotion. Am I Understood?" He said. Only a few students said Yes.
He yelled at the top of his lungs causing the younger students to jump.
"SIR YES SIR!" They yelled
"Good. Now get to painting over Your tanks then You may get to Your morning tasks. Dismissed."
Turgut jumped down off the tank and greeted his men.
"Great speech sir. You sure scared em."
Adem laughed as the other men laughed slightly.
"Oh well i can only hope that it'll prepare us more for the match with Saunders." He said

"Okay ladies and gentlemen we have no nerd to mope about. Go eat and get ready we have training at 09:00" He said as everyone dispersed.

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