:PartThree:Fucking Jetlag

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Good evening gentlemen this is your captain speaking we have just landed in Tokyo international Airport also known as Haneda Airport, please remain seated until i give you permission to stand or else. (The message being transmitted via the intercom blasted the crew awake all except for one)

Ughh I'm so fucking tired" Abdullah groaned.

My brother didn't the boss man tell you to sleep on the way here!"Adem barked at Abdullah already being tired of his bullshit

Oh put a sock in it you Cypriot fu-" Abdullah was then cut off by a swift back hand from Turgut.

"For fuck sake you two we've just landed and you're already starting your bullshit" he groaned rubbing his brow "just try and be respectful to the students and teachers we'll meet, remember we're representing our scho-No our nation for God's sake! (He said trying to rally the men back to civility)

" Fine....." Abdullah whined

Pfft whatever......" Adem murmured as he tucked his hands behind his back.

Good morning gentlemen you may now begin Unbording the plane, while you prepare i will inform you it is currently a cool 19°Celsius and its 6:32AM Local time and your journey to the town of öorai shall only take 1 and a half hours, according to my Co-pilot you should be picked up by a transport in about 10 minutes,Last but not least thank you for flying with us. (The door opened and the men left the plane and headed to the pick up area waiting for the car to pick them up)

So recon this car will be better than Turgut's old toros?" Müslim laughed gently slapping Turgut's back as the other men chuckled.

Oh fuck off Müslüm you can't even drive you little Twerp" Turgut snickered.

Hey is that the car boss? (Adem said pointing at a car with the words M.E.X.T written on the side)

I'd think so beyler, You'd better fucking behave or I'll shove my foot so far up your asses that king Arthur will have to pull it out of you(Turgut said as the car pulled up and opened the door for them).

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