:PartEight:Auld Memories

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"Good morning Miss Akiyama" Turgut happily greeted Yukari outside the Tank shed. "You seem pretty well rested considering its 6AM" Turgut chuckled as he rolled his sleeve back up. "went to bed as soon as i got home!" Yukari said excitedly as she and Turgut went inside the Tank shed. "There she is... The Kangal!" Turgut Said proudly as he flicked the lights on showing the large olive green and gray M4 Firefly with the Turkish flag painted on the side of the turret.
"Woahhh awesome!" Yukari said as she dashed around the tank energetically.
"Wanna fire a blank?" Turgut said as he grabbed a Shell with in large white letters said BLANK. "YES!" Yukari yelped as her and Turgut climbed up to the Turret and climbed inside. "Alright I'll load it and show You all the buttons. And be careful we wouldn't want to wake up the others" He said as he smirked pointing at the sleeping Men on the opposite side of the hanger.
"We're waking them up like this?" Yukari whisper yelled. "Yep" Turgut Said as he slipped inside the turret with Yukari and gently fitted her arms in place of the controls. "Okay I'm going to stand on the turret and yell out ATEŞ! when I yell shoot. Got it?" He said as he pulled himself up.
"Yes Sir!" She said quickly as she stared down the aiming sights. "3...2....1....ATEŞ!"
Turgut Yelled at the top of his lungs signaling Yukari to slam her thumb into the trigger,a God almighty roar sounded as the 75mm fired the shell high into the sky flinging the Sherman back violently and tearing smoke through the Air.

"Nic *Cough* e shooting Miss Akiyama!" Turgut Said excitedly as she climbed out of the turret watching the smoke slowly dissappear. Yukari and Turgut's small moment of peace after the firing was interrupted by the boys yelling"WHAT THE HELL" and "TURGUT I'LL GIVE YOU YOUR SECOND SÜNNET!" (Sünnet is Circumcision) "Hey Akiyama.. We oughta run." Turgut said as he took placed his hand on her shoulder pointed at the open shed door, within seconds they were gone like smoke in the wind.

---Timeskip to before the SGGC match---

"Right Beyler the plan that the council and Commander Nishizumi have came up with is. Turgut pulls out a map and unfolds his pointer "This is where the rest of the teams will be waiting, it'll be the job of Us and Commander Nishizumi to lure the English Tanks towards the other's who'll hopefully blow them to hell and back.. Any questions?" Turgut Said as he rested his fists on the speaking podium leaning  forward.

"Sir.... I mean no offense to our esteemed commander but...... I think that plan has more holes in it than a German plane during the battle of Britain" Adem Said wearily.

"It is a... Plan... But it doesn't matter"Turgut sighed." We have about 1 hour till the Battle begins. Make sure You're all ready. And meet me at the battlefield in about 45 minutes. Dismissed! ". Turgut shouted as the men left the command tent.

Turgut sighed and wiped his brow as he headed for the Opposing side's camp that had been set up.

"Oi You raj wit yae dayin here?!" A taller man in a kilt and a beret yelled at Turgut as he walked past him "Gordon?" Turgut gasped as he ran over to the man. "What are You doing in Japan?" He said shocked to see a fellow European leaguer. "I came fir a *Ahem* Military liaison mission" He said in a mock English accent. "Anyhow hows life been treaten ya pal?" He said knocking Turgut's shoulder. "Alright. How've You been since Fife and Bursa's joint victory in the 60th?"Turgut asked as he pointed out the medal that Gordon proudly wore on his chest."Fucking braw. I swear that is the first Panzerpfaun tournament a Scottish team has ever won" he said grinning. "Anyway... I presume ya came tae see miss Darjeeling" Gordon said pointing at the Command tent. "Sure I'd like to" Turgut said as him and Gordon walked into the Command tent.

"Forgive my intrusion Miss Darjeeling but i close friend of mine has requested a before battle briefing with You" Gordon said as he saluted introducing Turgut "Good Morning Miss Darjeeling" Turgut said as he saluted and then briefly bowed.
"Ah Yes Turgut of Bursa Mustafa Kemal high-school" Darjeeling said bowing and smiling. "Gordon hasn't stopped talking about You and Your escapades in the European League." She says laughing softly.
"Gordon did You tell her about the incident with Barcelona Technical collage?" Turgut said excitedly "He hasn't" Darjeeling said curiously


---"Pictish-Beast-01 This is Kara-Kartal-01 what is Your status? Over"---

---"K-K-1 this is P-B-1 We have lost about half of our tanks. Over" - - -

---"Pictish-Beast You have a..... - - -

---" K-K-1? Are You there? - - -

---"Pictish-Beast-1 You have a hord of goats to Your six" - - -

---"Hold on what the fu....." - - -
Gordon climbs out of his hatch only to be kicked in the face by a galloping goat infront of him knocking him back into the tank.
---"K-K-1 What the hell?" - - - Gordon groans as his gunner rushes to assess his face.

---"I think that's the Locals welcoming You Pictish" - - - Turgut chuckles as Müslim falls over laughing.


"That does sound rather foolish... Yet I wouldn't put it past Gordon." Darjeeling snickers covering Her sliming face with Her hand and neatly folding her other hand on her lap.

"I have another story however I reckon He'd shoot Me in the Liver if I spoke up" Turgut said grinning amd gently smecking Gordon's arm. "I'll dae yer ar-... I mean I'll take You outside and shoot You at dawn Yae Jakie!" Gordon said loudly ringing Turgut's Ear.

"No no I would quite like to hear of You and Gordon's European endeavors." Darjeeling said calmly nearly letting a small tinge of excitement slip.
"So We were fighting against Lycée Charles de Gaul Heh those French lot were insane ay Gordon!" Turgut laughs as He taps Gordon's shoulder. "Aye They wir!" He laughed as He smacked Turgut's leg "Ach I swear I couldny be dayin wi fightin those lads agin!" He said. "Anyway to the story!"


"Naw dinny gimme any yer pish Turgut!"
"I really can't understand You Gordon. What are You saying?"
"Ach at least Yae understand mare than the English."
"Yeah. anyways.. Where do You think Louie and Char went?"
"Ach I dinny ken pal.. Hey wait is that them there?!"

"Salut My Foreign Connards!"
"Watch the damm Boer Char!"
"Oh Louie shut upppp"
"Is that a Pig?"
"Oui My Turc friend its a Piggy"
"Lou why in the name of Rabbie burns did Ya bring a blazin Hog into the Barracks?"
"Because William Wallace Me and Char over here betted that we'd be able to force a Pig to drink a pint of ze Bière!"
"..... What the fuck?"
"I mean Me and my auld pal Jamie wance forced a wee ned tae drink his ayn Pish."
"This is why I miss Home"


"You mean to tell Me that They made a Pig drink beer?" Darjeeling snickered as she placed her hand over her face. "How crude"
"Agreed Ma'am" Gordon chuckled. "Now Turgut I'd love tae talk nonsense with ye for the next day but You'd better get back tae Yer team lad"
"Yeah You're right. I'm going to get going, I appreciate Your time Miss Darjeeling and hope Our teams have a amazing match. I bid You adue."Turgut said as he bowed at Darjeeling and saluted at Gordon before rushing out of the Camp back to Oorai's camp.

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