:Part Five:School Is Freaking Boring

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(I'm a just start at the Panzerfahn(Senshado) announcement in Ep1.

(The door of the class is knocked and Anzu and 2 other women barge in)

Good morning students you may leave now we just want to speak to miss nishizumi(Anzu says holding the door open as everyone but Müslüm and Miho have left*Müslüm had fallen asleep btw*)

So miss nishizumi how would you like to join our new club(says anzu towering over Miho dispite being 4,7 lol)

Uhhhh wh-what kind of clu-Club is it? (Miho asks begging to stutter from nervousness)

Well we're reopening the Öorai Senshado team! (she yells excitedly raising her fist in the air)

(The shout wakes up Müslüm)

(Vietnam flash backs ensue) uhh no thanks, as a matter of fact i came here because there was no team to be honest(Miho says)

Well miss you really have no choice to be honest(States the taller one with a monocle leaning in and staring daggers at Miho)

Really i don't want to don't you understand that no means no? (Miho says as tears form in her eyes)

Well i don't really ca-

Hey tall girl gremlin girl and eye piece she said no can't you accept that you nim witted fools! (Müslüm barks from the other end of the classroom)


Eh i don't know just a random Türkish dumbass(he says swinging his chair back and resting his legs on thee desk)

Oh your a fucking exchange student no wonder you're an ass(She says smugly trying to piss off Müslüm)

Hey don't get angry at me cause your dad left ya blind fuck(said Müslüm as he grinned like an idiot)

OH FOR HEAVENS SAKE THAT'S ENOUGH YOU TWO! (Yelled Anzu having lost her patience)
Look miss nishizumi sign this or you're getting thrown out, Understood? (She said grinning smugly and handing her a pen)

Hey you can't make her sign it if she doesn't want to! (Müslüm yells)

I-i-its fine I'll sign(Miho says tears falling down her face as she signs)

Thank you! (Anzu yells with glee as her and the other girls leave)

Donkey fucking bastards! (Barks Müslüm as they leave) Oh fuck are you okay Miho? (He says as he kneels in front if her desk and puts a hand on her shoulder)

I-i uhh no........ Not okay whatsoever(She says as she face plants onto the desk and starts sobbing overwhelmed by the sheer amount of PTSD and negative thoughts about the sport)

Uh there there(Müslüm says as he pulls his chair next to her and trys consoling her dispite being extremely uncomfortable at the sight of a crying woman)

-----Time skip cause i ain't writing someone crying for half an hour ffs----

Well that was a fucking eventful mathematics lesson(said Müslüm as he followed Miho out of the door)

Yeah i really regret signing that now(Miho says resting her head on Müslüms shoulder)

Oh uh re-really(Stutters Müslüm as he notices her head and turns a bright shade of red)

Oh uh so-sorry i-i wasn't thin-thinking(She says as she goes to move her head)

No no its fine as long as it makes you feel better(He says as he pats her head)

Oh uh than-thanks(She says blushing redder than the goddamed sun)

No probl-(he says as he's cut off by Turgut)

There you are you funky fu-..... You smooth fuck i leave you for an hour and your already falling head over heels for someone(He says chuckling and smacking the back of Müslüms neck)

Oh fuck off sir it's not like that she's my friend! (He says kicking Turguts ass as he walks past)

Ya Senin duverım! (He says as he grabs at his ass)

What the hell? (Says Miho a little louder than she ment to)

Oh yeah Miho meet my asshole if a commander Turgut. Turgut meet Miho(He says as he does a hand wave thing)

Oh uh hi sir(Miho says trying to Ward off her embarrassment)

Hello there miss(He says shaking her hand)
So i see you and my Radio operator are tryna fuc-


Well we can Carry on later let's go! (He says running off)

Fucking goat molester! (He yelled at Turgut who yelled a colorful sentence about Müslüms Mother and a few barn animals)

Well we should probably get going then(Müslüm says)

Agreed(Says Miho as she follows Müslüm)
Can i h-ho-hold your hand(She mumbles)

I don't see why not(Grins Müslüm as he takes her hand and they walk to the assembly hall/Aditorium idk what the correct term is)

And i would write out the whole tankery speech given in episode one but 1 im lazy 2 i have home work to do and also I'm tired lol the next part will come out tomorrow and it'll be when they pick their tanks amd shit.

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