A/N The End & Thank You!

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Hello! I hope you enjoyed this short story. The Jazz Cafe is actually one of my comfort stories, it holds a special place in my heart and I am so happy so many of you guys loved it as well!

This was the first story to reach 1,000 reads which was a number I never expected to get. I really appreciate all of the love. It's all really helping me gain confidence.

If you enjoyed this story, please go check out my other works! I recommend the Hogwarts one, The Struggle Is Real, or The Job (which I currently am not writing so sorry!) If you prefer some short and sweet stories like this one, then go check out Connected where I'll be posting short stories about a ship of your guys choosing.

Right now I'm doing RenDoc and then Boat Boys, but there are other stories posted on there such as a Wither Husbands one and Team Rancher.

I'm thinking of doing a story about Tom's backstory, let me know if you think I should do it or not.

But yes this is the end of The Jazz Cafe. Thank you so, so much for all of the love and support and I hope you enjoyed this story.

There is a sequel to The Jazz Cafe called Bittersweet Coffee, I hope you check it out!

With that, farewell, and I very much hope to see you in my other stories.

Much love,


The Jazz Cafe- Flower HusbandsWhere stories live. Discover now