They kicked inspired

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Hey hey hey author chan here i read this
and felt inspired do my own version with a diffrent ship and an more extended story
Semi and sho were sitting cuddled up watching a movie when all the sudden sho Jumped from the sudden pain she felt then relaxed again Semi looked at her concerned

Semi:songbird you alright is there there something wrong

Sho put her hands on her stomach feeling the movement again


Semi:love what is it?

Taking in what she just felt she replied with

Sho:I I think they just kicked Eita i think they just kicked for the first time

Semi:Really 🤩

Sho:yeah give me your hand

She takes eita's hand and places where she just felt her babies kick he felt it too to him it felt like they were fighting for attention

Semi:does it hurt love

Sho:A little bit-

She felt it again

Sho:and there they go again guess who's not going to get comfortable✌🏻

Semi bent down and spoke

Semi:now you two be nice mommy is beginning to get uncomfortable and slightly exhausted let her rest

With that semi got back up to his original position  on the couch and kissed sho

Semi:how's that

Sho:surprisingly better thanks luv

Semi kissed her again and said

Semi:I'm proud of you,you know that right?

Sho:same luv same I'm proud of us I can’t wait to meet them

Semi:I can’t either songbird you are going to be a fantastic mother

Sho:and you Ei are going to be a great father that is going to spoil them rotten

Semi:i mean… yes yes i am

They stayed like that for the rest of the night Eita kept his hands on Sho’s stomach enjoying the feeling of his kids moving while sho at least tried to sleep as best she could he rubbed soothing circles on her stomach every time she jump and thar seem to help her because she would relax back into him

Time skip

Sho had finally given birth to her twins and they were perfect in semi’s eyes he almost had a melt down in front of Shirabu who was helping deliver the baby because yes he was Sho’s doctor

Sho had finally given birth to her twins and they were perfect in semi’s eyes he almost had a melt down in front of Shirabu who was helping deliver the baby because yes he was Sho’s doctor

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Imagine sho with long hair its hard to find female versions

Semi:You did amazing love

Sho:And you were hopeless thank god for Kenji

Semi:😔 apprently i don’t do well with blood


Shirabu cleared sho to go home with her twins and this was the start of family life for the semi family


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